
Thermacell Backpacker: the best protection against mosquitoes

Do you love to vacation outdoors but your gray hair is caused by insects. The Thermacell Backpacker is an affordable solution that will greatly enhance your outdoor activities.

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35,66 €

Before summer, it seems like the whole world is only thinking about how to do it protected from mosquitoes. We're exaggerating, of course, but honestly, mosquito bites can get so annoying that we'd really do anything to put an end to them. It seems that these flying bloodsuckers have even become immune to certain 'frogs' and 'syringes' as they harass us and feed on our blood despite them. Maybe we are with Thermacell Backpackers found the answer? Let us introduce it to you.

Thermacell Backpacker
Thermacell Backpacker

Thermacell Backpacker it is basically aimed at camping enthusiasts, but it is actually useful for everyone. Everything you need besides the Thermacell base unit is gas cylinder. After screwing the unit onto the cylinder, we put some kind of other thing on it repellent cloth and we can start fighting mosquitoes. By heating the cloths, the backpacker creates the environment around him 4.5 m², safe from annoying insects. If you have a good deciliter of gas in the cylinder, you can enjoy peace of mind 90 hours. The Thermacell Backpacker is extremely convenient 114 gram gadget, which measures only 10 cm in height. We will deduct for him 35 euros.

So, maybe we will finally come to our own account and carelessly read books on the terrace in the warm summer months!

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