Ah, those cinematic mistakes! Not even animated films are immune to them. Here are the 10 biggest mistakes in Pixar's animated films that you definitely missed.
Most of us are so excited about animated films, which serves them Disney respectively Pixar, so that we don't notice any errors at all. But it happens to even the best. And in the age of the Internet, nothing goes unnoticed.
READ MORE: 20 mistakes in popular movies that you never noticed
If you look for a fault in a person, you will probably find it. And so are many internet detectives found faults in otherwise excellent animated films such as Frozen, Bustle in the Head, Ratatouille, To the Heights, Toy World, Finding Nemo, Cars, The Good Dinosaur, Monsters in the Closet, Courage and The Incredibles, with which we had indescribable fun.