
#bendgate Affair: iPhone 6 can be hidden in your pocket

Well, we have it. One more proof that Apple is now copying from Samsung and not the other way around. The latest iPhone 6 is indeed bendable, and yes, you're right, Samsung recently patented bendability. But there is no promise of a new legal saga, because with Apple it is not about the flexibility of the screen, but about the case, which is unexpected. Alarms went off at Apple and the giant promised a change to all those whose pockets were dented by the curvature.

A product that filled the pockets even more Apple, because it was sold out in an instant, right now pocket causes the biggest problems. Like yes postpartum cramps operating system iOS 8 wouldn't be enough, Apple is now learning what it means when the devil has the young. A video revealing how sensitive it is has gone viral on the internet Apple case on pressure. It cast a big shadow on build quality a phone that is even more eye-catching when it is bigger than its brothers 6th generation, to the iPhone 6 Plus.

What is to blame for this? Just aluminum?
What is to blame for this? Just aluminum?

READ MORE: Is the Apple Watch a disappointment?

News that while carrying the phone in your pocket Framework enclosures it twists and deforms the phone forever, will especially upset hipsters who wear skinny trousers. But with the video Lewis Hilsenteger (Unbox Therapy) will certainly break the heart of all users of the latest iPhone. Reconstruction of observations of some users and proof that aluminum housing (as befits aluminum) it suffers irreparable damage when bent, but it affects everything. The hardness of the case is slightly better with the smaller one to the iPhone, to the iPhone 6, and since every disaster has something comforting, other smartphones aren't quite either resistant to twisting, so it can be a little less stomach-churning for Apple users. Otherwise, they were promised a new one anyway.

Don't try this yourself at home.
Don't try this yourself at home.

PS we are waiting for bulletproof cases.

Which do you think is more beautiful?
Which do you think is more beautiful?
And yet a joke by Heineken:
Don't worry... it happens to us every day.
Don't worry... it happens to us every day.

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