
The brothers convince their unsuspecting sister that a zombie apocalypse is happening

Zombie apocalypse

An older brother is often a kind of backup father who is good to have around in case of various problems. Well, unless they're the Cabot and Barrett brothers from the clip, who gave their sister Millicent Phillips a fair go when she was under the influence of powerful drugs for wisdom tooth extraction. Together with their mother, they staged a zombie apocalypse, and the sister, under the influence of narcosis, easily took the bait.

That's it prank! Two brothers convinced their unsuspecting sister that there was something going on in Washington zombie apocalypse.

Millicent Phillips before she heard about the zombie apocalypse.
Millicent Phillips before she heard about the zombie apocalypse.

Sister Millicent pulled her nose on the way home from the dentist, where she had her wisdom tooth pulled and was still under the strong influence of drugs and as such incapable of completely sober thinking. That's why she quickly took the bait, especially since they were Cabot and Barrett carefully planned everything. In order for the measure to be full, my mother also participated remotely.

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17-year-old Millicent Phillips and her 22-year-old brother Cabot.
17-year-old Millicent Phillips and her 22-year-old brother Cabot.

And how did the prank go? At first it interrupted the ride urgent radio message about the outbreak of the virus and the occurrence of cannibalism. They followed a panicked call from my mother, loading the car with equipment to fight zombies, deciding cat or dog, etc. Do you think the family has gone too far?

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