
Movie trailer: Ben-Hur (2016)

Movie Ben-Hur (2016)

Although we never asked for it, in 2016 the adaptation of Ben-Hur, the timeless classic from 1959 that won 11 Oscars and starred Charlton Heston, is coming to the big screen. Timur Bekmambetov (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter) took the director's baton this time. Ben-Hur, the biblical story about a betrayed Jewish prince and a wealthy merchant, which initially came to life in the form of a book, experienced two film adaptations, and now there is a third one in the pipeline, in which Morgan Freeman will also star.

Ben-Hur is one of the most famous films of all time (the most famous is a nine-minute Roman chariot race scene, in the filming of which as many as 15 thousand extras participated, for which they also built the largest scenery up to that time), and although probably none of you felt the need for an adaptation for the third millennium, we got it.

Jack Huston as Judas Ben-Hur.
Jack Huston as Judas Ben-Hur.

An epic historical spectacle the ending of the Russian-Kazakh director Timur Bekmambetov returns to the screen in a "repainted" form August 2016, when we can follow the story once again a Jewish prince and a wealthy merchant Jude Ben-Hur, who confronts his friend Messala, a Roman officer, who asks him to name the enemies of Rome. But when he refuses to help him find it Jewish rebels, he immediately accuses him of treason, punishes his family and sentences him to the slave labor of a rower on a Roman galley. After a five-year "odyssey" at sea, he returns home full of revenge, but finds redemption.

READ MORE: Movie Trailer: Bridget Jones's Baby (2016)

1959's Ben-Hur was on a budget 15 million US dollars until then the most expensive film ever made. Ben-Hur has not broken this record for the third millennium, nor is it expected to do so 11 Oscars.

Info Box

An epic historical spectacle
(USA, 2016)

Direction: Timur Bekmambetov. They play: Jack Huston, Toby Kebbell, Rodrigo Santoro, Nazanin Boniadi, Ayelet Zurer, Sofia Black D'Elia, Morgan Freeman.

In the cinema from August 25, 2016.

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