
Movie Trailer: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Star Wars: Rogue One, 2016)

Movie Star Wars: Rogue One (2016)

Star Wars: Rogue One is not the eighth sequel to the world's most popular space saga, Star Wars, but the first in a series of standalone Star Wars films. Under Star Wars: Rogue One, director Gareth Edwards (Godzilla) put his name to it, and the focus of the film is between Episodes III and IV. Star Wars Rogue One will tell the story of rebels who want to steal the plans of the Death Star.

Then when it is Disney took over Lucasfilm and having already filmed the seventh episode of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, he also promised stand-alone films from the galaxy Star Wars, which significantly reduced the waiting time for a new sequel. Star Wars: Rogue One is the first stand-alone Disney film to be based on the adventures of the franchise's famous characters.

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We will also see Darth Vader in the first standalone Star Wars film.
We will also see Darth Vader in the first standalone Star Wars film.

The name in the title refers to the leader of the rebels, and they will appear in it Felicity Jones (The Theory of Everything) as a rebellion Jyn Erso, well Diego Luna (Milk), Riz Ahmed (Nightcrawler), Forest Whitaker (The Last King of Scots) and Donnie Yen (Yip Man), and on the side of the rebels we will find, among others, Ben Mendelsohn (Rise of the Dark Knight).

Info Box

A science fiction film
Star Wars: Rogue One
(USA, 2016)

Direction: Gareth Edwards. Jorma Taccone. They play: Felicity Jones, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, Donnie Yen, Ben Mendelsohn, Forest Whitaker, Diego Luna.

In the cinema from December 16, 2016.

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