
iPhone SE - the first video of the phone that represents Apple's biggest innovation in early 2016

A week before the presentation of Apple's new products in 2016 (March 21), videos and photos of the smallest smartphone of the Apple family, which will bear the designation iPhone SE, are already appearing online.

Of course, information and pictures about the new iPhone SE they come directly from China's industrial zone, which is actually the Silicon Valley of the global smartphone industry. In the video, we also clearly see the comparison between the previous models and the new Apple star iPhone SE, which bets mainly on those whose phones have become too big.

iPhone SE is very similar to the model iPhone 5s, except that instead of having sharp, polished edges, it has rounded ones like the model iPhone 6. Size and weight are comparable. Also noticeable is the new generation camera, as we know it from the iPhone 6 model, which pushes a little out of the case.

More pictures and comparisons in the photo gallery:

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