
How would you change the world if you could?

How would you change the world if you could? A question that is inextricably linked to the Miss World pageant and the answer about peace and the end of ease in the world. But as you will see below, people of different ages offer different answers, like beauties on stage. The fact is that one person cannot change the world. But it can be the spark that starts a fire.

How would you change the world if you could? The question, the answer to which the candidates in beauty contests were limited to ensuring world peace and eradicating hunger, finds many interesting answers when we turn away from the beauties fighting for ribbons.

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We were able to make sure of this when they are real asked the question to people of all generations, to the youngest and to those who have a century of life behind them. Humanitarian colored or not, people have interesting ideas. Check their answers and us on our Facebook page trust how you would change the world if you could.

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