
A compilation of the worst special effects scenes in film history

Special effects that have degenerated.

Special effects are one of the specialties of the film industry, and Hollywood's eternal fascination with them has led to incredible results, due to which we witness breathtaking scenes on the movie screens. But the special effects were not always in the film's favor. In recent years, the use has gone too far, so many directors resort to techniques from the past for authenticity, but we found a compilation of scenes where the filmmakers laughed outright with the use of digital effects.

Just as you had moments in your youth that you would rather forget, the film industry also has moments that you would rather erase from your memory, especially in the field of special effects. The advanced effects of one period are namely the target of ridicule the next one.

READ MORE: Visual feast: 40 years of special effects in one minute

A deep blue and a moment that, from a special effects perspective, the filmmakers would rather forget.
A deep blue and a moment that, from a special effects perspective, the filmmakers would rather forget.

Do you remember the scene from the movie? A deep blue (Deep Blue Sea), where Samuel L Jackson was eaten by a shark during his monologue? Or a scene from a movie The mummy is coming back (The Mummy Returns), where a scorpion in the form of Dwayne Johnson bursts through the door? Now you will surely laugh at these kinds of scenes, but be lenient, because we all have had strange phases in our lives.

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