The Boss Baby is an animated family comedy from the creators of the films Madagascar and Megaum, which tells the comical story of little Tim, whose life is made miserable by an eccentric brother who is much more than what he pretends to be.
The Boss Baby is a fun story about seven-year-old Tim Templeton (Tobey Maguire), into whose life a brother enters (Alec Baldwin). Although he is very happy for him at first, it quickly turns out that it will be difficult for them to get along.
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While parents (Jimmy Kimmel and Lisa Kudrow) do not notice anything unusual, but Tim is always suspicious of the baby. He quickly proves to be right, as he discovers that the brother can talk, walk and come up with unusual plans. When Tim discovers that the villain Francis (Steve Buscemi) to steal love from humanity, in the desire to save the world and their parents from a dark future, the brothers join forces and embark on an unforgettable adventure. He's a little boss original comedy for all ages.
Gallery - highlights from the animated film The Boss Baby (2017)
Animated family comedy
Little boss
(The Boss Baby, USA, 2017)
Direction: Tom McGrath. Voices: Lisa Kudrow, Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, Jimmy Kimmel, ViviAnn Yee, Eric Bell Jr., Miles Christopher Bakshi.
In the cinema from March 30, 2017.