
Movie trailer: Manchester by the Sea (2016)

Film Manchester by the Sea (2016)

Manchester by the Sea is a gripping drama about a working-class American family dealing with a series of personal tragedies. The story revolves around a reclusive Boston janitor, Lee, who is given custody of his nephew after his brother's death. Kenneth Lonergan's independent film is a festival favorite that has already won a number of awards, and the 2017 Golden Globes could throw some more at it, with five nominations - for best drama, best actor, best supporting actress, best director and best screenplay.

Manchester by the Sea je neodvisna drama, ki se bo po vsej verjetnosti na oskarjih zoperstavila visokoproračunskim studijskim filmom. Gre za izdelek dvakratnega oskarjevskega nominiranca Kennetha Lonergana (njegov tretji film), ki pripoveduje zgodbo o družinski tragediji v obmorskem mestecu. Čustveno nabita drama je zgrajena okoli Leeja Chandlerja (Casey Affleck), čustveno otopelega bostonskega hišnika, ki v življenju ne najde pravega smisla, a le do trenutka, ko izve novico o bratovi smrti, ki ga pripelje v rodni kraj, kjer se mora spopasti s starimi demoni in posvetiti najstniškemu nečaku Patricku (Lucas Hedges).

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Casey Affleck in Michelle Williams v filmu Manchester by the Sea.
Casey Affleck in Michelle Williams v filmu Manchester by the Sea

Čeprav ni vedel, da mu je brat zaupal skrbništvo, se poskuša spopasti z zahtevno nalogo zbliževanja s svojeglavim fantom. Hkrati se mora soočiti z neporavnanimi računi iz preteklosti, ko se je po družinski tragediji ločil od žene in zapustil ribiško skupnost. Trpki spomini se prepletejo z mučnimi čustvi razočaranja in obžalovanja, kar Leeja prisili, da sprejme težke odločitve o svoji in nečakovi prihodnosti.

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Manchester by the Sea
(USA, 2016)
Direction: Kenneth Lonergan. They play: Casey Affleck, Michelle Williams, Kyle Chandler, Gretchen Mol, Kara Hayward, Tate Donovan, Heather Burns, Erica McDermott, Lucas Hedges, Susan Pourfar, Missy Yager, Mark Burzenski, Brian Chamberlain, Amanda Blattner.

In the cinema from February 16, 2017.

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