
Nissan ProPilot Chair – a self-driving chair for those who don't want to stand in line

Nissan ProPilot chair

Nissan has introduced a self-driving chair for those who can't stand in line. Already half a year ago, he surprised with self-cleaning office chairs, with which he demonstrated the practicality of the advanced Intelligent Parking Assist parking system, and now there is a new type of chairs that will come in handy for everyone who is fed up with the situation while waiting in species. With them, Nissan demonstrates the usefulness of the advanced technology ProPilot, which enables automatic driving and which it presented this summer.

Nissan ProPilot Chair it is self-propelled chair, which makes queuing easier as it moves by itself. He's showing off with robotic chassis, the ProPilot technology that is Nissan introduced this summer, allows the chair to move itself together with the individual when the space in front of it is freed up. When you leave the chair, it moves to the front of the queue and repeat the exercise of following the chair in front of you.

READ MORE: Nissan introduced a chair that cleans itself

Nissan demonstrates with the ProPilot Chair automatic driving technology ProPilot, which uses image processing technology (obtains information using three-dimensional single cameras, equipped with advanced software) monitors what is happening on the road and controls the vehicle.

When it's autopilot on, the system automatically controls the distance to the vehicle in front and adjusts the speed set by the driver (between 30 and 100 km/h) with the speed limiter. Keeps the vehicle in the middle of the lane (also in bends), brakes automatically and stops completely.

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