
Is there a hero who can break this awesome frog throwing world record?

Throwing frogs

We've all tried our hand at throwing frogs, but rarely have any of us managed to get a flat pebble to bounce more than a few times before sinking. Now meet Kurt Steiner, the record holder in frog throwing, who managed to throw a stone that bounced over the leader 88 times! 88 times! Watch and learn.

Kurt Steiner is Messi or Federer throwing frogs. His pebble is on the surface of the water jumped as many as 88 times before it sinks, while we mere mortals are happy if it jumps a few times. What kind of magic is this?! How long does it take to practice something like this?

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Former record holder, Russell “Rock Bottom” Byars, says that to make a good throw you have to choose a flat stone about the size of a palm, spin it with your index finger and thumb, throw it straight, and it must hit the water at an angle between 10 and 20 degrees. Now quickly train to the coast or bank. Because records are meant to be broken.

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