
A kiss as a means of payment: if we paid with kisses

A kiss instead of money

This time we will not talk about how to kiss really well, how kissing has a beneficial effect on well-being and health, what types of kisses women don't like, how to kiss in the French way and about other commandments of kissing. Today we're going to take a look at what the world would look like if kissing was the only means of payment. If instead of money and credit cards, we used kisses as currency. Although it sounds fantastic at first, as you will see in the video, it is not such a sexy idea.

Are you interested in what the world would look like? if you paid with kisses? If you could buy a scoop of ice cream for three kisses, a house for 12 thousand, and jeans for 35 dumplings per mouth?

READ MORE: 10 different kissing styles or kisses that women don't like

A kiss instead of money.
A kiss instead of money.

Although we welcome alternative forms of payment, especially returning to nature, is kiss as currency, as attractive an idea as it may sound, quite impractical, as it turns out in the video. Or not? What wouldn't it be nice if instead of 10 thousand euros you owed someone "only" 800 kisses? Sounds a lot nicer, doesn't it?

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