
Differences between today's kids and kids from the 90s

Today's Kids Vs. children in the 90s

The differences between the kids of today and the kids of the 90s are as big as the difference between today's technology and the technology of the 90s. If in the past children used to play on the street in their free time, playing cards and doing most of their pranks outside, today the picture is completely different. When did children forget to be children?

Hold on. Technology has drastically changed ours over the past decade and a half Lifestyle, which also affected the children and their behavior. If not long ago children were interested in toys such as cards, swings, marbles and frisbees, today they are only interesting technological toys such as smartphones, tablets and computers.

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Harry and Marv would be disappointed with today's kids.
Harry and Marv would be disappointed with today's kids.

More and more children are no longer spending their free time on the streets and playgrounds, but it stuck to the screens. See what they are like in the video above differences in the behavior of today's children and children from the 90s.

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