
Do you know why we dream?

Why do we dream?

Do you know why we dream? Have you ever wondered how dreams affect your life? Just as the eyes are the mirror of the soul, dreams are the mirror of our subconscious. But despite a lot of research, scientists are still pretty much in the dark, which is why there are as many theories about dreams as there are scientists. Have we finally made a breakthrough? Amy Adkins will tell more about this and why we dream.

Have you ever wondered why do we dream? Where do dreams come from? What are the results and what do they communicate? Are they an end in themselves or are they something more? These questions have puzzled scientists for centuries, mostly due to the fact that they are dreams intangible and cannot be measured. The most common explanation is that they are a reenactment of the events that marked the day. But if you listen Amy Adkins in her TED talk, dreams they reveal our desires and longings, they help to remember things in more detail, to forget and to better assess the situation.

READ MORE: The meaning of the most common dreams ... do you know what they really mean?

Listen to an interesting speech so that you will be able to answer the question of why we dream.

Do you know why we dream?

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