Partnerships are not self-evident, they require a lot of work and persistence to work. And people mostly know it. But more often than not, they expect the other person to do more work.
There are always two sides to every story, one of the most important things to realize when you're in a serious relationship is that things aren't always going to be perfect. It won't always be the way you wanted it to be.
Don't look for your partner's flaws, but look at yourself.
Here are 10 habits you need to break to become a better partner.
1. You must always be right
A relationship is not a competition and you don't always have to win. Relationships require compromises and negotiations. You have to understand that not everyone sees the world the same way you do. What feels right to you may be wrong to someone else. It's about how you find the middle ground, rather than one being right and the other wrong. If you focus too much on always being right, you may win the argument but lose the person.
2. Feed your ego
This is crucial for a better partnership. We all have an ego, but sometimes we put it above all else so we don't see the other person's point of view. It is essential to stay true to yourself and stick to your values, but if you bring out your ego during serious conversations, you will only show an immature version of yourself.
Photo: Vitor Pinto / Unsplash
3. Never admit your mistakes
You see the world through your own eyes and want others to see your perspective, sometimes you become selfish and want everyone to see things the way you do. You're only human and you make mistakes, but it's hard to apologize because you're embarrassed to admit your mistakes. A mature individual apologizes when he realizes he was wrong.
4. Complain too much about your partner
It's natural to get upset, but wanting to talk to your friends about everything your partner has done wrong is not good. Take the time to think about how you're going to sound. If you only share with your friend the things your partner did wrong, they will see them that way too.
5. You wait too long to talk about important issues
Many initially view their partner through rose-colored glasses. The more you get to know each other, the more you start noticing things you don't like about your partner. Nobody is perfect. There will always be things you don't like about each other. However, important issues such as whether you want to have children or the importance of religion and politics should be discussed so that they do not become a serious issue later.
6. You expect to love all of your partner's family members
You are in a relationship with your partner and you are lucky if you love most of their family members and friends. There may be times when you can't stand one aunt or childhood friend. You don't have to please everyone, you have to respect yourself.
7. Reluctance to change
People think it's bad when you change your attitude, but it's inevitable. When you have to share your life with someone else, you have to grow, and growth is change. It takes a lot of people time to realize this. You will have to change your lifestyle. Respect the boundaries and rules you set for yourself when you are in a relationship.
8. Never apologize first
Arguments are inevitable in all relationships. At some point in your life, your partner will do something that upsets you and vice versa. You can't let one argument determine the course of your relationship. Take your time and talk. If you consider ending a relationship based on one argument, you will never find a fulfilling relationship. Be the bigger person and say you're sorry.
9. Expect the relationship to always be exciting
You can't expect a relationship to be filled with something new every day. The beauty of being with someone long-term is accepting that you won't do anything for a few days and that's okay. You will be exhausted if you expect every day to be exciting. Being comfortable with someone means days when you enjoy each other's company even when you're doing nothing.
10. Always take relationship advice from your single friends
Your single friends are single for a reason. Maybe they haven't found their person, picked the wrong people, or aren't ready to commit. Your friend will always be on your side and find fault with your partner when something happens between you. Friends who are in relationships will understand the value of compromise much better than your single friends. If you want good advice, turn to those who have been in a long-term relationship.