
10 Best Futuristic Neighborhoods of 2014

The Markthal neighborhood of the MVRDV studio

In the past year, quite a few residential neighborhoods were designed, which strive to improve the living conditions of the community of residents by adding greenery and optimizing room lighting, as well as creating new types of dense construction in compact settlements. The website Designboom recently presented a list of the best neighborhood designs produced in 2014, which you can view in the present article.

Bosco Verticale neighborhood

Bosco Verticale neighborhood, which was designed by an architect Stefano Boeri opened its doors in the fall of 2014 after five years of construction. The neighborhood consists of two blocks with 113 apartments, each boasting a garden on the balcony and a wonderful view. Thanks to the green balconies, on which 780 trees grow, the neighborhood acts as a kind of vertical garden and strives to make living with the neighborhood feel like being in nature.

Bosco Berticale neighborhood in Milan
Bosco Berticale neighborhood in Milan. Photo: Paolo Sacchi

Interlace residential neighborhood

Residential neighborhood Interlace opened its doors to its first residents this year. It was designed by a former partner of the OMA office, Ole Scheeren, and is located in Singapore. Instead of ordinary free-standing apartment blocks, the neighborhood consists of thirty-one blocks stacked on top of each other in different directions. Such a layout allows more access to natural light and a more dynamic layout. Conceptually, it is an interweaving of public and private spaces and enables a high-quality stay in contact with nature.

Interlace neighborhood. Photo: Iwan Baan
Interlace neighborhood. Photo: Iwan Baan

Markthal neighborhood

The neighborhood Markthal in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, brings together a residential blog that spans over a covered market. The interesting building was designed by a famous architectural office MVRDV. The specialty of the neighborhood is that it offers many public areas for socializing, shopping and eating, and at the same time it also contains 228 apartments of various sizes. The apartments boast both balconies on the outside and windows offering views of the market.

The Markthal neighborhood of the MVRDV studio
The Markthal neighborhood of the MVRDV studio. Photo: Ossip van Duivenbode

One central park neighborhood

The center of the Carlton&United Brewery neighborhood in Sydney, Australia is without a doubt the building One central park, which rises to a height of 116 meters and can boast the title of the highest vertical garden in the world. The author of the interesting building is a famous French architect Jean Nouvel, who designed two blocks towering over a four-story shopping center he designed in collaboration with a local architectural firm PTW. The neighborhood boasts 563 apartments that offer a wonderful living experience in the very center of the urban fabric.

Neighborhood One Central Park. Photo: Murray Fredericks
Neighborhood One Central Park. Photo: Murray Fredericks

ZAC du coteau neighborhood

Architects Ecdm have designed two apartment blocks that form the neighborhood ZAC du coteau in the French city of Arcueil. Of particular interest are the huge rounded balconies that add outdoor living space to each apartment and offer the opportunity to spend time outdoors. In addition to 101 market apartments, the neighborhood also contains 40 social housing units.

The undulating balconies of the ZAC du Coteau neighborhood. Photo: Benoit Fougeirol
The undulating balconies of the ZAC du Coteau neighborhood. Photo: Benoit Fougeirol

Citylife neighborhood

One of the residential units of the project Citylife in Milan was designed by the famous Zaha Hadid. It consists of seven rounded blocks, ranging in height from five to fourteen floors, and the first residents moved in last year. The variety of heights of individual units, large balconies and rounded edges give the neighborhood a pleasant and dynamic appearance. Apartments on higher floors are particularly attractive to buyers due to their gently sloping roofline and covered terraces.

Citylife by Zaha Hadid. Photo: Alberto Fanelli
Citylife by Zaha Hadid. Photo: Alberto Fanelli

A simple modular type of housing units

In response to the ever-increasing number of natural disasters, they are in the office Garrison Architects designed a simple modular type of housing units. It is a multi-storey prefabricated building in which several families can live at the same time and can be erected in just fifteen hours. The configuration of the layout of the individual rooms can be adapted to the location of the building, and each unit contains one to three bedrooms, a living area, a balcony, a bathroom and a fully equipped kitchen and storage room.

Prototype post disaster neighborhood. Photo: Andrew Rugge
Prototype post disaster neighborhood. Photo: Andrew Rugge

Broadway neighborhood

The Broadway neighborhood in the Californian city of Santa Monica was designed by the architects of the studio Kevin Daly and provides affordable housing to West Los Angeles residents. The neighborhood is designed in accordance with the principles of sustainable construction, conceptually it is a repetition of the construction pattern of individual residential units, which are interconnected by wooden walkways. During the construction, care was taken to keep the growing trees on the site, and every room in the neighborhood has its own window, which provides enough daylight and natural ventilation.

Santa Monica's Broadaway neighborhood. Photo: Iwan Baan
Santa Monica's Broadaway neighborhood. Photo: Iwan Baan

A residential neighborhood in Toulouse

A residential neighborhood in Toulouse designed by a Spanish office Mateo Arquitectura it consists of four separate buildings, which, due to their small size, work more in accordance with the residential purpose of use and enable a very pleasant stay. Individual buildings are visually connected to each other by the unity of the facades. The facades express the masterful design of patterns with the help of stacking bricks, and there were also additional wooden accents.

A neighborhood in Toulouse. Photo: Adrià Goula
A neighborhood in Toulouse. Photo: Adrià Goula

Nanjing Zendai Himalayas Center

Presented by Nanjing Zendai Himalayas Center MAD architects we look to the future. The megacity-sized master plan envisages a hugely diverse city with many apartment blocks and communities of smaller buildings, gardens, parks and water areas. The purpose of the design of the building plan is to promote the traditional Chinese way of life, in which spiritual harmony can only be achieved through the coexistence of man and nature. The huge complex is currently under construction and is scheduled to open in 2017.

Nanjing Zendai Himalayas Center by MAD Architects.
Nanjing Zendai Himalayas Center by MAD Architects.

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