
Top 10 money tips recommended by financial experts

Photo: Pexels / Moose

You can get financial advice from a variety of people, from parents to bank advisors. If you want to improve your financial situation, start following the tips that fit your current lifestyle. You may not be able to afford it all, but you may be able to consolidate or even pay off your debt. See the best financial expert advice you've ever received.

1. Spend less money than you earn

One of the best financial tips is yes you are living below your means. Everyone has different levels of income and savings, but everyone wants to impress others, which is also a quick way to get out of debt. Instead, prioritize saving and investing for the future—in things that can help you achieve financial freedom.

2. Think before you spend

Thoroughly think about your purchase decisions and don't make them based on impulsive emotions. Anyone who loses control of their finances risks doing something they will later regret.

Photo: Suzy Hazelwood / Pexels

3. Don't work for money - let money work for you

Too many times people get stuck in the cycle of simply putting money in a savings account. If you put some money into a savings account, it will take much longer to get there with just savings. Instead of invest in the "business". This means investing in shares, various financial pillars offered to you by the bank, real estate, etc. The goal is to make your hard-earned money earn you even more money - while you sleep soundly.

Photo: Pixabay

4. Save and don't waste what you don't have

Although saving is only one way to increase wealth, being smart about how you spend your money can have a big impact on your savings. When save more and spend less, you will find it easier to meet all your financial goals. Also, if you don't have the money to buy a certain product, it means you can't afford it. Don't rely on loans to fulfill your wants or needs. Be patient and save money.

5. Track your expenses

Track your expenses and record them yes become aware of how much and what you spend money on. This will give you a better overview of the necessary expenses and you may notice some unnecessary expenses. Be well informed and take advantage of the discounts and benefits available to you.

Photo: Jessica Lewis / Pexels

6. Get information from the bank

Remember that money is just a tool and you choose how to spend it. Perceive money as something with which you can build your life and don't let it control you. That's why you consult with bank advisors about new products, investment methods, savings, ease of doing business, online services - so you'll always have everything under control.

7. Be your “own bank”

As soon as you receive your salary or fee, take it 10 percent of earnings and keep it in a separate savings account in the bank. When you want to buy something special, you will not need to apply for a loan. Keep money in a savings account only for specific purposes.

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

8. Open an account just for paying bills

Open a separate account where you will have just money to pay ongoing monthly expenses. This will prevent you from spending money that should be set aside to pay your bills! You will also save yourself countless hours of worry.

9. Determine your priorities

If you want to increase your budget and ensure stable finances, you should stick to setting priorities. Spending money on exotic trips and buying unnecessary gadgets can threaten your financial stability in the future. Before you decide to buy or travel to some exotic place, think about how this could affect your budget in the long run. Consult on banking packages related to pensions, savings, investment in funds, etc.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

10. Define goals by time categories

It is very important in finance setting short-term, medium-term and long-term goals. For example, buying a new vacuum cleaner is a short-term goal because one year is enough to achieve it. Medium-term goals refer to a period of one to five years and include, for example, buying and paying off a new mobile phone or TV, while long-term goals are the most challenging because they require a lot of money (for example, buying a new apartment or car). The easiest way to set these goals is to first determine your desire, determine the price, calculate how much you need to deduct from your salary each month, and finally consider your income and current expenses. It is important that you know your financial capacity well and do not exceed it, because otherwise you can quickly find yourself in debt.

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