
10 Crazy Facts About Sleep You Probably Don't Know

Photo: envato

Did you know that sleep prolongs life and reduces appetite for 45%?

A good night's sleep is very important to our body, just like food or breathing, and is crucial to maintaining good mental and physical health.

Here are some of the most interesting and lesser known facts about sleep.

11 days without sleep

When it comes to sleep, most people get about eight hours of sleep. Randy Gardner, in 1963, as a 17-year-old, spent as many as 11 days and nights. So he spent 264.4 hours without sleep. When asked if he would do it again, he answered emphatically: "No."


During the first third of sleep, a person suddenly partially wakes up from a deep sleep. While she is partially awakened from deep sleep, more or less only part of the basic motor functions are awakened, while the higher, mental functions are still asleep. If the moonshine wakes up or is woken up by others, it is usually confused. You might think that sleepwalking is a rare occurrence, but in reality, about 15 percent of people sleepwalk.

Sleep is half of health! Photo: Kinga Cichewicz / Unsplash

A black and white dream

Eleven percent of people do not dream of colors. Before the invention of color television, this percentage was 75%.

Five minutes

In the first five minutes of waking, humans forget about 50% dreams. In the next 10 minutes, 90% dreams are already forgotten. This means that you have five minutes to write down everything that happened in your dream.

Weight and sleep

Getting enough sleep can help you lose weight. This happens because sleep reduces your appetite by a whopping 45 percent. People who do not sleep enough have problems with a large appetite. During sleep, the body produces the hormone leptin, which regulates appetite, and if we don't sleep enough, it is not produced enough, so we are more hungry than usual. If you want to lose a few kilos and eat less, you should first consider whether you are getting enough sleep.

Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Photo: Sammy Williams/Unsplash

Longevity and sleep

Getting enough sleep promotes good blood circulation and helps control mood. Unsurprisingly, a study shows that you can extend your life by sleeping. Remember that a good night's sleep means sleeping a full eight hours, at the same time every night.

Full moon

Research shows that people go to bed later and sleep less during the full moon, but the reasons for this are not clear.

Shifting sleep

Humans are the only mammals that can delay sleep. Dogs, cows and even sheep have to fall asleep when their bodies tell them to.

Deaf-mute people also use cognitive language in their dreams

There are also many cases where people have reported their deaf partners or children using sign language during sleep or during menstruation.

Blind people can see pictures and images in their dreams

Those who have been blind since birth experience dreams through their senses (sound, smell and touch).

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