
10 examples of how the brain can betray all our secrets

Our brain can solve the most complex problem. And this is the reason why scientists often call them a 'supercomputer'. But what happens when our 'personal computer' starts sharing our private information with complete strangers? Here are some remarkable examples of how our brains can influence our behavior and reveal our deepest secrets—even ones we never knew existed.

Here are some remarkable examples of how our brain function can influence our behavior and betrays our deepest secrets – even ones we didn't even know existed.

What does it mean if we don't have to stop looking at a person?

It means that we like this person, and the brain detects that it has missed a very important detail about this person.

What does it mean if we often lose in an argument?

Most likely, we are a very intelligent person. We want to analyze all the information provided. During an argument, we often realize that our arguments do not hold up. Less intelligent people are not capable of this, which makes them more confident in defending their views.

Do you often lose in an argument?
Do you often lose in an argument?

What does it mean if we are hypersensitive to criticism?

We are uncertain. We are more sensitive to criticism than to praise. When someone talks bad about us, our brain interprets it as an atypical situation that poses a threat. This leads to increased production of cortisol.

What does it mean if we have a 'sloppy' font?

This means that our brain works faster than our hand. The speed with which we think prevents us from wasting time on a beautiful font.

Think faster than you write?
Think faster than you write?

What does it mean if we can't get rid of a bad habit?

We are quite a lazy individual. The brain uses these habits so that we can rest and work with minimal effort (we save energy by repeating things that our brain has memorized well). And that's why the brain tries to turn any frequent actions into a habit.

READ MORE: Is your child an old soul?

What does it mean when we suddenly forget what we wanted to do?

Consciously or subconsciously, we are burdened with some other problem. The capacity of our short-term memory is quite small. When our brains are multitasking, a small error can occur, meaning that one piece of information can completely crowd out another piece of information.

What does it mean if in a hurry we cannot find things that are otherwise within reach?

Our eyes are faster than our thoughts. Our brains don't have time to digest the information our eyes are sending to them. This can happen when we are nervous and the brain becomes too slow to analyze visual information.

What does it mean if we often dream about things we did during the day?

We spend too much time doing the same things. Our brain interprets such activities as a signal that it is learning, and therefore begins to process information while we sleep.

What do you most often dream about?
What do you most often dream about?

What does it mean if we can't remember a name, but we can remember a face?

Obviously, we are a visual type of person. Meeting new people fills our brain with countless information. To save energy, the brain chooses the easiest thing to remember. In this case, it's visual data.

What does it mean if we feel sick in cars or on buses?

Our body thinks it is poisoned. The eyes and muscles signal that we are resting, and the vestibular system detects movement. The brain interprets this as a conflict and a signal for intoxication, which makes us sick.

Could you have been poisoned?
Could you have been poisoned?

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