
10+ Fashion Mistakes That Make You Look 10+ Years Older

Are you making these common fashion mistakes?

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Photo: envato

The clothes we choose have a significant impact on how we look and feel. While some styles and trends can help us look our best, others can have the opposite effect and make us look older than we really are. Here are 10 fashion mistakes to avoid if you want to look young and fresh.

These are the fashion mistakes that make you look older. Abandon these fashion mistakes and you will automatically rejuvenate.

Wearing all dark colors

Dark colors such as black, navy and grey, us can make slimmer, but if worn from head to toe, they can emphasize wrinkles and make us look more serious and aged. Instead, mix and match different colors to spice up your look and add visual interest.

Opt for loose clothing

Baggy and shapeless clothing may seem like a good way to hide problem areas, but they can actually age us by adding unnecessary bulk to our silhouette. Instead, choose clothes that fit well in the areas you want to emphasize and are looser in the areas you want to minimize.

Neglecting fashion accessories

Accessories such as jewelry, sunglasses, hats and wallets, can add a fun and fresh element to any outfit. Don't be afraid to experiment with different accessories to find your own unique style.

Choosing thick, athletic shoes

Chunky, athletic shoes may be comfortable, but they can detract from the overall elegance of an outfit and make us look older than we really are. Opt for dressier shoes for everyday wear and save athletic shoes for activities like hiking or long walks.

Too many scarves and pullies

Scarves and pullovers can be cozy and comfortable in the colder months, but they can also create a compact look around the neck and upper body, draw attention to wrinkles and age us. Instead, choose tops with more open necklines and use scarves sparingly.

Forget about belts

Belts are a simple yet effective way to create the illusion of an hourglass figure and accentuate your curves. Don't be afraid to experiment with different belt styles and sizes to find what works best for you.

A selection of shapeless, oversized bags

While large bags can be practical, they can also add unnecessary bulk to our look and make us look seen neat and dated. Opt for bags that are more structured and proportionate to your body size.

Wearing outdated styles

While classic styles can stand the test of time, some outdated styles can instantly age us. Stay up to date with fashion trends and choose clothes that flatter your figure and personal style.

Ignoring the importance of tailoring

Even the most beautiful dress can look out of place if it doesn't fit well. Consider investing in tailoring to ensure your clothes fit perfectly and flatter your body shape.

Overdoing the makeup

Strong makeup they can settle into fine lines and wrinkles, making us look older than we really are. Instead, opt for a more natural and light make-up, to accentuate your features and achieve a fresh, youthful look.

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