
10 Feng Shui Tips Everyone Should Follow

The art of Feng Shui is a philosophy about balancing our spaces to create a happier and more successful life. If you like to bring a little freshness and positive changes into your life, it's definitely time to give it a little more attention.


1. When it comes to feng shui, less is more. At home and in the office, let's avoid unnecessary decorative objects and other "dust collectors".

2. In the bin with everything that is broken or not to our heart. If we don't use a thing for at least a year, we don't need it in our life.

3. Natural light is beneficial for our well-being and beautifies the space.

4. According to feng shui philosophy, sharp edges bring negativity into our lives, so we should avoid them.

5. Functional and clean plumbing washes away bad energy from our lives, so take care of the functioning of the taps.

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Change your life today!

6. Pay attention to the harmony of the colors in the room and do not exaggerate with off-beat color combinations.

7. While working, we should never turn our backs towards the door, but it is good to face the door.

8. We remove all electronic items, such as the aquarium, TV and laptop, from the rooms intended for rest.

9. At night, close the doors that separate the rooms, as they prevent the transfer of energies between the rooms.

10. Let's bring a little more positivity into life.

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