
10. Festival for the third period of life

Between September 29 and October 1, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., you are invited to Cankarjev dom for the biggest event to promote solidarity between generations in Europe! This year, for the tenth year in a row, you will have the opportunity to walk through the theme parks, where more than 140 companies will present their offer for...

Important information
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Between September 29 and October 1, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., you are invited to Cankarjev dom for the biggest event to promote solidarity between generations in Europe!


This year, for the tenth year in a row, you will have the opportunity to walk through the theme parks, where more than 140 companies will present their offer to make autumn life more beautiful. abroad or attended a professional conference entitled "Path to well-being and social inclusion".

The festival creates the foundations for a pleasant coexistence of people of all ages and backgrounds. Entry is free! You can find more about the event on the website www.f3zo.si

You are welcome!

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