
10 movie scenes where we hit pause the most

Movie scenes where we hit pause the most.

Watching movies has largely moved from cinemas to the comfort of our own home, where we can rewind certain scenes, watch them again, skip the most gruesome or boring part, or hit pause to see a scene in detail or check if we're really right seen Here are ten movie scenes where we pressed pause the most.

It probably goes without saying that he is famous on the list movie scene with Sharon Stone from the movie Primal Instinct, when during the interrogation in a short white dress crosses her legs without panties. There is an interesting story circulating about the scene with just a sliver of nudity, which the average viewer did not even notice at the time. "Verhoeven (the director of the film) asked me to take off my panties so that the hem of them wouldn't show in the footage. He promised that nothing would be seen. He showed us the film just before we traveled to the Cana Film Festival. When I saw the scene, I felt cheated. I stood up and salted his earlobe," it's 22 years after the famous scene where all the men are stopped the movie, said Sharon Stone.

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This is far from the only movie scene when we are massively pressed for a pause and studied the scene in more detail. Although a large part is related to nudity - there is also a scene from The Wolf of Wall Street, but not the one with Katarina Čas (if only Slovenian viewers were measured, this one would certainly be at the very top), but that one Margot Robbie, when he flirts with Leonardo DiCaprio – are also on the list unflattering scenes, like a scene from a movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

10 movie scenes where we pressed pause the most:

Full movie scenes we watched multiple times:

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