
10 gadgets that will take you straight to the year 3018

If 10 years ago we were satisfied with a simple phone that allowed us to make calls and send messages, today this is no longer the case. Phones got a lot of new functions, and of course other branches of technology also developed.

A good indicator of the extraordinary progress of technology are devices that we hardly imagine even exist. Have you heard of any of them?

1. Cat toilet with self-cleaning function


Cat owners who find cleaning up poop a nightmare - we have a solution for you. Litter-Robot will automatically store the feces in a bag that the user will only have to carry in the trash.

2. Smart ring


Exercising with a hula hoop has never been so much fun. Smart ring VHOOP contains sensors that monitor the intensity of exercise. It then transmits the results to your smartphone.

3. The smart condom


British Condoms has launched a smart condom i.Con. This one looks like a fitness bracelet at first glance, but it is intended for sexual activities. It will provide you with a lot of information about the duration and intensity of sexual intercourse.

4. Self-propelled suitcase


ForwardX has patented the Ovis suitcase, which follows its owner. It connects to a smart bracelet on the owner's arm and moves independently. At the same time, it also offers a regular holder.

5. Robotic bees

Robotic bees
Robotic bees

Drones can henceforth replace bees in all functions except honey production. In the near future, they will thus help save plant species and develop agriculture in different parts of the world.

6. Smart beehive

Honey Flow
Honey Flow

Modular hive Honey Flow somewhat reminiscent of a birdhouse. With the fact that bees live in it, it also produces honey on the fly.

7. Night light for the toilet

Illumi Bowl
Illumi Bowl

IllumiBowl is a very simple light to be installed under the toilet lid. It evenly illuminates the space around the shell.

8. Pocket spectrometer


If you pay a lot of attention to healthy eating, it is LinkSquare perfect for you. The device allows you to check the properties of food, liquids and other substances that surround you. Its use in the kitchen and when shopping is particularly convenient.

9. An eye mask that prevents snoring

VVFLY eye mask
VVFLY eye mask

A Chinese company VVFLY has succeeded in developing a device that improves sleep quality and prevents snoring. The eye mask with special vibrations contributes to a steady breathing rhythm.

10. A mask that makes your conversations secret


A device called Hushma, it looks a bit odd, but it serves a special purpose. It hides the words you speak from the outside world. So you will be able to make calls anywhere without disturbing the people around you.

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