
10+ Ingenious Ways to Use WD-40 You Didn't Know About!

10 Best Ways to Use WD-40

Photo: WD-40

WD-40 is a versatile tool that can be used for many things we never dreamed of. Here are the top ten uses to make your life easier.

You've probably heard of it WD-40, that iconic blue and yellow can that lurks in every home and garage. But did you know that WD-40 isn't just for lubricating squeaky hinges and protecting against rust? This amazing product has over 2,000 different uses that can make your everyday life easier in the most surprising ways. From stain removal and cleaning to maintaining your valuables, WD-40 proves to be a true multi-purpose tool. In this article, we'll explore ten of the best and most ingenious uses for WD-40 that you probably didn't know before, and show you how this simple product can transform your everyday life.

  1. Removing oil stains: WD-40 can be used to remove unsightly oil stains on the garage floor or driveway. Simply spray WD-40 on the stain, wait a few minutes and then rinse with water.
  2. Shine for the fittings and leather seats: To keep car dashboards and leather seats shining like new, apply WD-40 to a sponge and wipe down the surfaces. Leave on for a few minutes and then wipe off with a clean cloth.
  3. Removing stickers and sticky residue: WD-40 is ideal for removing sticker, tape and label residue. Spray it on the sticky surface, wait a few minutes and then wipe it off.
  4. Cleaning the grill: If you hate cleaning your grill after use, use WD-40. Spray it on a cold grill and scrub with a wire brush, then rinse with soap and water.​​
  5. Rust prevention: WD-40 is great for preventing rust on metal tools and appliances. Simply spray the product on surfaces and wipe with a cloth.
  6. Carpet cleaning: WD-40 can help remove stubborn stains from carpets. Spray it on the stain, wait a few minutes, then clean with a regular carpet cleaner.
  7. Removing chewing gums: WD-40 is effective at removing chewing gum from hair, clothing and other surfaces. Spray it on the chewing gum, wait a few minutes and then remove​​.
  8. Shine for stainless steel: To keep your stainless steel appliances shining, use WD-40. Spray it on the surface and wipe with a clean cloth.
  9. Lubricating squeaky doors: WD-40 is best known for its ability to lubricate squeaky door hinges. Spray it on the hinges to keep the door running smoothly.
  10. Removing wax and paint stains: WD-40 can remove stubborn wax and paint stains from a variety of surfaces. Spray it on the stain and wipe with a soft cloth.
Photo: WD-40


WD-40 isn't just for lubrication and rust protection. Its uses are almost endless, from cleaning and removing stains to maintaining your car and household appliances. Next time you're stuck, give WD-40 a try—you might be surprised by the results!

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