
10 graphs and maps that prove the world is becoming a better place

Lately, the situation on Earth seems to be getting worse day by day. Humans are slowly but steadily destroying the world with their behavior. Regardless, the situation is not as bleak as it may seem.

Which 10 graphs and maps prove that the world is changing for the better?

1. Poverty


Our World in Data reveals that the percentage of people living below the poverty line has fallen significantly in recent decades. In 1987 it was 35 %, but in 2013 it fell below 11 %. This was mainly helped by the economic development of India and China and other developing countries.

2. Hunger


This map shows the values of the World Hunger Index around the world between 2000 and 2017, which it measures International Food Policy Research Institute. He is particularly pleased with the fact that in some large countries, such as China and Brazil, the share has decreased by more than half. Such areas are marked in green.

3. Child labor

Child labor
Child labor

The goal International Labor Organizations is to eventually eradicate child labour. Despite the fact that the results of her work are not yet what we would like, it is encouraging that between 2000 and 2016, the exploitation of child labor decreased by 40 %.

4. Life expectancy

Life expectancy
Life expectancy

Life expectancy of a person began to rise sharply in Europe already in the middle of the 19th century. Between 1990 and 2016, it increased by more than 6 years worldwide. The situation is improving mainly in poor African countries due to the development of public health. Unfortunately, the differences between developed and less developed parts of the world are still enormous. Life expectancy in Africa is 16.3 years lower than in Europe.

5. Child mortality

Child mortality
Child mortality

Child mortality, under 5 years of age, infants and unborn children is declining sharply. Compared to 1990, the number of their deaths has more than halved. The greatest progress in this area can be detected in Africa, India and China. Reducing child mortality is key to extending life expectancy.

6. Protection against malaria


Malaria is known as a merciless killer that wreaks havoc especially in tropical areas. Despite the fact that it is treatable, it is probably best to prevent its development. This is possible by using special protective nets, which are according to the data World Health Organization accessible to more and more people.

7. Smoking


Gallup reports that the proportion of smokers in the US fell by as much as 29 % between 1955 and 2018. Only 16 % Americans smoke cigarettes regularly. In the poorer parts of the world, such progress cannot yet be observed.

8. Suicidality


The research he conducted Manuel Eisner, shows that in the 13th century in Western Europe, an average of 32 people decided to commit suicide out of 100,000 inhabitants. To date, that number has dropped to only 1.4 people per 100,000 inhabitants.

9. Literacy


More and more people around the world have access to education. This is also reflected in the greatly increased proportion of people who can read and write. Our World in Data reveals that the global literacy rate is inexorably approaching 90 %.

10. Access to the Internet

Internet access
Internet access

The World Wide Web is an inevitable part of everyday life in developed countries. Despite the fact that many people will not have access to the Internet for a long time, judging by the graph, they can Our World in Data we find that things are moving in the right direction.

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