Are you a born lady? A woman who is charismatic, different, with attitude, style and tact, cultured, informed, decent - is a woman who is completely different from others.
1. A real lady has a proud attitude. A straight back and a confident posture are qualities of dignity.
2. Real ladies always respond with "please" and not with "what is". Basic culture is very important.
3. Real ladies will never, ever, light up a cigarette on the street (or while driving with one hand out the car window). If a lady smokes at all, it is reserved for sitting and/or some room.
4. Real ladies are always decently trained. Not too "digitalized", not too ordinary. They simply look beautiful on any occasion.
5. Real ladies never argue. They know that arguing solves nothing and that there is nothing positive in it.
6. Real ladies never swear. You will never hear an ugly or insulting word from a real lady. It is an honor for them.
7. Real ladies will never allow themselves to be in the company of uncultured men or women. They avoid them because they do not support such behavior.
8. A real lady is always clean, with clean hair and clothes - and smells nice. He doesn't overdo it, but he always takes care of himself to the right extent.
9. Real ladies don't have tattoos on visible parts of their bodies. It's an intimate thing for them.
10. A real lady doesn't wear a lot of makeup and jewelry. Decent makeup and subtle earrings, some elegant rings and necklaces give the impression of a gentle and graceful woman.
A real lady respects herself, does not beg for love and does not suffer humiliation from men. She is happy and content when she is alone and when she is in a couple.
Do you agree?