
10 ideas for a date in the embrace of a warm home

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

On winter days, for many, the most pleasant afternoon or evening consists of spending time in the comfort of a warm home, far from the blanket of snow that envelops the landscape outside in the cold. But how to make sure that this time will be something very special when your dearest person is with you? We have prepared 10 ideas for how to spend a date at home.

If you don't like to leave your warm apartment, you can organize a date right at home. These are the best ways to keep your date at home from getting bored.

1. Breakfast in bed

Is there anything better than spending the whole morning at cuddling and sweetening with goodies? This kind of date is best done as a surprise: wake up before your partner and delight him with delicious breakfast, consisting of his favorite dishes.

Is there anything better than breakfast while cuddling in bed? Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

2. Try a new recipe

They will also spoil their taste buds with cooking date. We suggest that you and your partner try a brand new one recipe for dessert or lunch. We guarantee that you will laugh to tears and enjoy your date, even if the dish doesn't turn out exactly as you imagined.

3. Movie marathon

A common question on first dates is which ones movies we love the most, but now it's time to watch popular hits together.
You will surely make your partner happy if you express an interest in taking a look his favorite movie or series, or show him your favorite movie. Or you can watch the series together or movie franchise, which is interesting to both.

You can make your partner happy by watching his favorite movie Photo: Los Muertos Crew / Pexels

4. Awaken creativity

It can also be a date creative: you can get on with it painting, drawing, handicrafts, gluing or other types of art that are close to both. Before the holidays or the birthday of one of your friends, you can also try to make it a greeting card.

5. They tackle the puzzle

In addition to the parts of the brain responsible for creativity, they can also awaken those responsible for logical thinking. You will also laugh and get closer while putting it together, and the afternoon will go by too quickly. Choice jigsaw puzzle with "adult" motifs is huge, and one of the ideas is to try to put together an artistic picture, which can be found on Amazon .

6. Solve the personality test

Meet making each other better is always a good idea in a relationship, because you will make each other better understood and knew how each other to cheer up and stand by each other. Personality tests there are a lot of them on the Internet, and they range from fun to a little more serious. We suggest the 16 personality test, which will reveal to you which character group you belong to.

With the help of personality tests, you can get even closer Photo: Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

7. Make a "bucket list"

A nice way to be even more get closer and get to know each other better production so-called bucket list. A bucket list is a list that you write on goals and wishes, which they want to organize in the course of their lives, and it can consist of notes as well as photos and motivational pictures.
In this way, you will see what is most important to each other in life means and how they imagine common future.

8. Spa at home

An evening date at home is a great opportunity to get rid of stress, and at the same time take care of your body. You can afford it a warm bath and clean your skin with face masks and creams, which they made themselves. You can even get a pedicure and manicure.

9. Take up yoga

Even if the date takes place at home, you can include them in it recreation. Yoga will enable you to connect and relax and at the same time they burn calories and learn new skills. Instructions on how to perform yoga can be found in books, who talk about yoga and videos, which you can find on youtube.

10. Organize a dance party

Do not worry if the invitation to elegant dance party you're still waiting: you and your partner can organize it yourself and thus ensure plenty of laughs. They can completely surrender hot-blooded rhythm, but you can learn together classic slow ones and romantic dance steps.

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