
10 ideas on how to start a conversation on a dating app to actually land a date

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

No one can deny that the popularity of dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble are on the rise and are being used by most of those who are currently single. However, this does not mean that finding a partner through them is easy. Because it's completely normal to be intimidated by the thought of starting a conversation with a potential suitor. That's why we've prepared 10 ways for you to start a conversation on a dating app and also make sure it leads to a date.

Start a conversation it's not the easiest thing to do with someone we find attractive. Dating apps at first glance, they look like a completely easy way to find a partner, but that doesn't mean that we don't have to first overcome fear and a conversation with a potential chosen one to start.
It is important to realize that possible rejection it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you wrong– for it can exist multitude of reasons. Maybe the application person not used regularly, maybe it is already found someone, which caught her attention, maybe because of the bunch of conversations she's feeling overloaded... But you will definitely be in this way knew, what is the situation and not cultivated false hopes.

Rejection doesn't mean there's something wrong with you Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

10 ideas for starting a conversation

When starting a conversation, it's important to make an effort to make it response probability as large as possible. Therefore, we suggest that you place the person question, to which she will be able to reply to longer way. This will also ensure that you don't spend your time and energy on those who have the app just for the sake of it boredom or from frivolous intentions.
You can start a conversation by asking the person about something related to photographs on her profile, or you can use one of the 10 ideas on our list:

  • What are you most excited about this week?
  • What is that one interest that you could talk about for hours?
  • Have you read any interesting books lately?
  • What was the last thing that made you cry?
  • Tell me about a movie or book that changed your life.
  • What job would you do if you could do anything?
  • What would your dream life look like?
  • Imagine you can travel back in time. What era would you go to?
  • Tell me about your secret talent.
  • What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?
The right conversation starter can lead to love Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

How to continue the conversation?

Of course, it's just the beginning of a conversation the first step. Therefore, according to him, make sure that communication continues: when the person answers you, you can ask them additional question, you connect the conversation to your experience, se make a joke... The conversation will also flow more easily if you realize that you have similar interests, views on life etc. Also, be careful that it will be yours writing off regularly: of course you don't have to spend all day on the phone, but neither does the person you're talking to don't keep it waiting several days.
Questions will also help you find out, whether your interlocutor is the person with whom you see yourself in of the future. Of course, it is the most important live dating, but you can only through conversation judge, or with the interlocutor you agree about things that are for you in a relationship the main ones. In this way, you will prevent dating those with whom you don't have much in common and saved theirs precious time and energy.

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