
10 ideas on how to spend Valentine's Day if you're super single

Photo: envato

If you're single on Valentine's Day, then you probably don't want to be reminded of romantic partnering at every turn. Here are some ideas to help you spend February 14th feeling like the awesome single and self-sufficient person that you are, because you deserve it.

Plan a day out with friends

Just because you're single doesn't mean you have to spend Valentine's Day alone. Even if some of your friends are in relationships, make a plan with your single friends as well have an interesting evening and throw a party.

Take time for yourself

You don't have to sit back and watch the world around you celebrate romantic love. If you've always wanted to learn something, you can do it now. Take a cooking or language course, sign up for physical exercise, treat yourself to a massage and pampering at the spa. Or you can simply take a quiet and free day, where you can sleep peacefully and enjoy your own silence. Direct all that love to yourself.


Buy yourself a present

Even if you are single, you can treat yourself to a gift. Gift yourself with anything you like will make you happy – even if it's just a bunch of flowers.

Treat yourself to a hot photo shoot

You don't need to have a partner to take some hot photos. Valentine's Day is a holiday of love, but it is also a holiday of passion - even if you celebrate it alone. Buy some fancy and lacy underwear and treat yourself to a photo shoot. You do not need to post or send pictures anywhere. Sometimes all you need is to feel good in your own skin and you tell yourself that you are damn sexy.

Have a hot night

Not that anyone needs an excuse to spend some quality alone time, but if you don't have Valentine's Day plans, staying home with a battery-powered sidekick might just be what you need.

Write a love letter to yourself

The most important relationship you can have is with yourself. That's why spending a day when you can be yourself is really aboutgreat opportunity, to connect with your mind. Psychotherapists suggest that you write a letter where you celebrate your progress, write what you are proud of, what you have achieved in life, and also describe your expectations and the future. This could be the perfect time to fall in love with yourself.


Don't follow social networks

Get through the day without social networks, because romantic pictures of couples, gifts can put you in a bad mood. Rather watch a romantic movie or read a romance book and order your favorite dessert.


Spread the love by giving to others

Since Valentine's Day is not only about romantic love, you can give your friends and colleagues a gift, a flower, or chocolate. After all, nothing feeds the soul more than the smile of others.

Think about past relationships

Otherwise, thinking about past relationships is not always the best thing, especially if you still have a strong emotional attachment. But for better or worse, Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to reflect on yours past relationships in a productive way and learn something from it. This way you can realize that you deserve happiness too. Namely, if you were in a relationship with a cheater, the fact that you are now single is a step in the right direction.

Don't bother with the holiday

Above all, take Valentine's Day as a whole a normal day of the week, so don't bother with it. Ask yourself if you really need another person to make you feel better, happier. You may realize that you are unique and it is time to start looking at life positively.


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