
10 trips you must experience in your life

French Polynesia

Traveling certainly broadens our horizons, gives us a different perspective on diversity, fills us with fresh energy and has a positive impact on our lives in many other ways. And when we return home, our heels will probably be itching again to take them out into the wide world. 20 of the most famous travel bloggers have compiled a list of the best destinations that you must visit once in your life. We want to share it with you.

Kiribati (Oceania)
First time hearing? The Republic of Kiribati, located in the Pacific Ocean, consists of 33 atolls and is famous for its extraordinary view of the sunrise. Seas or there are more beautiful lagoons than sandy beaches, and you'll also find more coconut palms than people.

Kiribati / Oceania
Kiribati / Oceania

Angkor Wat (Cambodia)
Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia and at the same time the largest religious monument in the world. Originally built as a Hindu temple, it was transformed into a Buddhist center towards the end of the 12th century. Angkor Wat was ranked number one by Lonely Planet must see destinations.

Angkor Wat (Cambodia)
Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

Kamakura Festival (Japan)
Kat is a 450-year-old festival that takes place in the Japanese city of Yokote and offers a very special experience. On the 15th and 16th of February every year, as part of the festival, igloos-like snow houses are erected, in which there are snow altars, in front of which the inhabitants pray for a sufficient amount of water.


Bazaruto Archipelago (Mozambique)
The Bazaruto Archipelago is a national park located not far off the coast of Mozambique and is a paradise in the middle of the sea. Kiersten Rich, a well-known travel blogger, says it's a paradise for divers.


Carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
There isn't a person who hasn't heard about the most colorful festival in the world. The festival, whose beginnings date back to 1723, hosts 2 million fun-seeking people a day. If you want to be transported by samba rhythms and Brazilian dancers into a day of relentless fun, then buy a plane ticket to Rio de Janeiro.


Bamiyan (Afghanistan)
Unfortunately, we hear only negative news about Afghanistan on a daily basis. But there are so many beautiful things to see and say that strain your eyes now. Until recently, there was a Buddhist center in the Bamijan valley, but in 2001 it was damaged a lot in the name of war. There are 1,500-year-old remains of Buddha statues here, and if you're not a coward, visit them.


Mount Ausangate (Peru)
If you are a hiker, this might be the trail for you. Mount Ausangate, located in the Peruvian Andes, can be extremely difficult to find. Those who have seen it say that it takes quite a few days before it spreads out in front of you. But when you see it, there is no doubt that you have found it, because the name Mavrična gora says it all. The colors that spread across the mountain are breathtaking.

Mount Ausangate
Mount Ausangate

Tsingy Rouge (Madagascar)
Tsingy is a derivative of the Malagasy word and means "a territory on which we cannot walk barefoot". Tsingy Rouge Park is located in the Diana region in the north of Madagascar. There is a rocky outcrop, which in its composition is very reminiscent of karst. The rocks look like stalactites, which are colored red and orange and will definitely take your breath away.

Tsingy Rouge
Tsingy Rouge

French Polynesia
An island in the Pacific Ocean that belongs to France is so far from us that we rarely even think about it. 115 islands, the main one being Tahiti, offer the most paradise vacation you can imagine. Transparent lagoons, reefs, volcanic peaks and on and on. Add them to your wish list.

French Polynesia
French Polynesia

Madeira (Portugal)
Paradise in the middle of the Atlantic. Whichever way you choose to explore Madeira, you won't be short of some dramatic and breathtaking views. But the island also has hidden corners that are worth looking for, especially if you are a hiker, as the island is dotted with mighty cliffs.


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