If you want to get rich, you'll have to think like the rich! And while they are thinking about the future, we average people are wasting our time thinking about the past. Here are 10 key mindset differences that can get in the way of getting rich.
Napoleon Hill is in his book With an idea to riches studied 500 millionaires of his time. In doing so, he identified universal laws of success that will work if we turn them into action. So how do the rich think, what makes them different from average people?
1. Rich people believe that poverty is the root of all evil; average people believe that money is the root of all evil.
2. Rich people believe that selfishness is a virtue; average people consider selfishness a bad habit.
3. Rich people take action and make things happen; average people are waiting for money to fall from the sky.
4. Rich people believe in acquiring specific knowledge; average people believe that the road to wealth is paved with formal education.
5. Rich people dream about the future; average people 'mourn' the good old days.
6. Rich people look at money with logic; average people look at money through emotions.
7. Rich people follow their passion; average people do things they don't really want to do.
8. Rich people are up for a challenge; average people have low expectations because they believe that way they will never be disappointed.
9. Rich people know that emotions and greed drive the market; average people believe it's all about logic and strategy.
10. Rich people teach their children how to get rich; average people teach their children how to survive.