
10 key habits to manage your life and make your dreams come true

Have you already made many New Year's resolutions, but you still feel like you are in chaos, that your life is messy and that you could do better and more? It's not so much about decisions as it is about strategy. Try implementing these key lifestyle habits to help reduce stress and increase productivity. By making small changes in your daily life, you will find yourself - the one who changes things, who manages her life and makes her dreams come true.

Getting up early

If you think you're an early riser, get up even earlier to make yourself a healthy breakfast and travel. This way, you will start the day with the strongest energy support you can provide.

Sleep eight hours

Of course, if you want to get up early and spend the working day without crises and with enough energy, you need to get some sleep beforehand. Sleep is a matter of discipline, just like everything else. For your health and mental stability, it is worth the effort to make this change in your life.

Photo: Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

Keep a journal

All therapeutic techniques advise keeping a journal, as it helps channelize accumulated feelings. The diary serves to let out everything that makes you angry, sad and upset. Write down all your aspirations, desires, expectations, fears, without any censorship. Once you start, you will realize how journaling helps you channel stress effectively.

Be positive

Don't forget the bright side of life, live as if all the good things you want have already come true. Act like a king and take your life as your kingdom.

Monitor your diet

Log your food intake to stop and think when you're reaching for snacks that might calm your nerves and increase your intake of carbs you don't even need. If you like snacks, introduce healthier snacks - fruits, nuts, fresh vegetables...

Family dinners

If you live with someone or already have a family, make sure you eat at least one meal a day as a family - dinners are best.

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Always make the bed

Discipline is achieved and maintained by small things and rituals. If your days off have been a time of relaxation that involves spending the day in your pajamas and a messy bed, it's time to change that. Get used to making the bed and getting dressed every day. Start with activities that will set the weekend apart from other days.


Exercise is mostly a matter of good organization - organize yourself to go to the gym in the late afternoon. But if you wake up early, practice while everyone else is sleeping. Morning is the ideal time for yoga.

Start saving

This kind of discipline will benefit you in many ways - you will curb impulse buying, you will create a fund that will gradually grow, you will establish a relationship with money and take care of your future. You will create your own security and you will feel stable, even in bad times.


Athletes practice meditation as part of their training - it's no secret that all successful people practice some kind of spiritual discipline and that meditation is first among them. Mental stability, calmness of mind, control over your feelings - all this you will achieve and accept as a part of yourself with the help of meditation.

Photo: Elly Fairytale / Pexels

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