
10 lessons you learn from being in a relationship with the wrong person

Photo: @verakharlamovaphotography / Twenty20

There is no shortcut to the right person. On the way to it, you will know heartache. Disappointments. Nothing will save you from this, not a person, not yourself. This is life. This is the way to true love.

But the wrong person can teach you lessons that will teach you to know as soon as possible whether you are in a relationship with the right person or the wrong person and in this way avoid disappointment and pain.

Every experience is important and no matter how painful it is, it teaches you important lessons that should not be ignored.

Here are 10 such lessons you can learn from dating the wrong person:

1. Value your time

When you're with the wrong person, you waste a lot of time dealing with them. Rather, learn to value your time and dedicate it only to those who deserve it. Spend time building a strong relationship and getting to know and explore each other. Time is important and the wrong people will not appreciate the importance of your time.

2. Trust your sixth sense

Intuition always tells you if the person you are with is serious or not. The problem is that many times you simply decide to ignore her and draw your own expectations, unreal ideas about the person. Live in wishful thinking, not reality. You can always tell if a person has the right intentions. The wrong person teaches you how to listen to your intuition.

3. No one is busy all the time

A person can be very busy, have a lot of work, but still have time to message, answer, call the people they care about. He tries to find time in his busy schedule to be with her, even if not as much as she would like.

Be with someone who always has time for you. Photo: Carol Magalhaes/Unsplash

When someone keeps telling you they're busy, they're lying. Even the busiest people will make time for the woman/man they truly love.

4. Know your limits

The wrong person is teaching you what you can and can't tolerate. What is acceptable to you and what is not. It's normal to subconsciously compromise your standards when you really like someone. Such a person helps you to get into your subconscious and find out how far you are willing to go and whether he takes you for granted.

5. Difference between circumstances and excuses

The wrong person teaches you the difference between someone who can't do something because they absolutely can't, and someone who can't because they don't want to. Someone who makes excuses for all the things he could easily do but choose not to do. He just doesn't want to put in the effort.

6. Words are nice, but they are not enough

The wrong person can say all the right things but do nothing. You'll believe everything he says and wait for him to actually do it, but it just won't happen. Such a person buys time for himself, time when he will tell you things he does not mean. Only this will teach you to wait for actions instead of believing words and lies.

7. What are you really looking for?

Sometimes you feel like you want a certain type of person to know that they aren't actually compatible with you. Not at all. Dating the wrong person teaches you exactly what you're looking for. You are not with someone because they "look good on paper", you are with them because you feel you can connect on a deeper level and develop respect for each other.

8. People to avoid

The wrong person teaches you what types of people to watch out for and how to avoid them. Experience gives you a better idea of how these people operate, and you'll be able to spot them before you get emotionally attached. People tend to show their true colors early on, you just have to know what to look for.

Happiness is drawn on your face. Photo: Chermiti Mohamed / Unsplash

9. A relationship should make you happy

Although happiness is a broad term, a relationship should bring you joy and comfort more than anything else. You certainly shouldn't be sad and angry all the time. The wrong person teaches you to walk away from the relationship if you just fight and fight for your happiness or if the good times are only occasional - that's not how a healthy relationship works.

10. What you deserve

The most important lesson you learn is knowing what you deserve and how you should be treated, when to walk away from someone who isn't right for you. You must know your worth!

In this way, you will know what kind of relationship you want. Do you want a relationship that makes you grow and is worth your time and effort? Or one that keeps you in doubt? Only you have the answer!

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