
These are the 10+ most common dreams and we reveal their true meanings

If you asked Freud about their meaning after a night of strange dreams (the kind that make you wonder how your head could have made something like this up), he would probably be able to quickly explain which sexual desire you suppressed. Despite his theory of repressed desires being expressed through dreams, dreams today are still an area where there are more questions than answers. If you are interested in what your dreams really mean, read how the 10 most common dreams among people are interpreted by dream books and researchers and psychologists from this mysterious field.

Do you know what your dreams mean?! Then check the most common ones.

1. You fall or drown

If you dream that you are falling or drowning, this indicates problems in your everyday life - be it your work, relationship or some other area that is weighing on you. Falling or drowning in a dream is a sign that it is time to stop worrying and trust that life will take care of everything going in the right direction.

2. Run away or someone is chasing you

The most common nightmare among people (especially women) is that something or someone is chasing you. Such a dream indicates that you feel threatened by something and that you close your eyes to a problem that looms large in your everyday life and do not want to face it. So the dream is warning you that it's time to stop blinding yourself and instead bravely face the reality.

3. Appear naked in public

Being naked in a dream means that in life you feel vulnerable, exposed, anxious and uncomfortable due to a certain situation. Such dreams are said to be most common among people who are about to get married, who have just changed jobs or been promoted at work, and for all those who have exposed themselves in any way to the public or a certain person.

READ MORE: What successful people do before they go to bed

4. You come to the test unprepared

Dreams in which you come to a test unprepared (you don't know the right answers, you're late for the test, or you can't find the right classroom) are interestingly most common among people who have been out of school for a long time and among perfectionists. Their meaning is related to stressful situations in real life and indicates that you are under pressure in some area and that your readiness and attention in that area must be at an all time high.

You come to the test unprepared.
You come to the test unprepared.

5. Your teeth are falling out

The meanings of dreams in which your teeth are falling out vary greatly. The first explanation is that teeth represent your self-confidence, and their loss means that something in your life is taking away that self-confidence. Others interpret tooth loss as a sign of a bad relationship that is failing. The third interpretation of such dreams is that women want fulfillment (for example, pregnancy), and men want sexual satisfaction.

6. Dying

Even if dying in itself has a negative connotation, the meaning of dying in a dream is an encouraging sign that it is time for a new start or a different approach to a certain thing (work, relationship, past...), where you will break old habits.

7. Being late

A dream about being late for work, school, an important event, catching a bus or a plane indicates that you are overwhelmed with something in your life and that you are missing an important opportunity because of it. You should take such a dream as a warning not to put too much weight on yourself or make promises you can't keep, and instead pay attention to the things that your intuition tells you are really important to you.

8. Pregnancy

A pregnancy or a dream about a baby is a sign that you have a need to start something new - a new project, a new idea you got, in short, to turn over a new leaf in your life. Some people interpret pregnancy dreams as meaning that a person with such a dream has personal problems in his life.


9. A partner who cheats on you

Such a dream is a sign that you lack some trust in your partner or your relationship, but it is by no means a sign that your partner is cheating on you in real life. They can also indicate that your partner is devoting most of his time to something in which you are not involved.

10. Flying

Dreams in which you fly and how you feel about it (whether you feel free or afraid) indicate how much control you have over situations in your life. If flying in your dream fills you with negative feelings, this is a sign that you need to approach everyday trials with more confidence and self-confidence.

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