
10 New Year's resolutions that are easy to achieve: make 2023 your best year!

Photo: envato

These are achievable and fun goals for 2023.

Lose weight. Leave social networks. Give up alcohol. Blah blah blah. In reality, well-intentioned goals that become New Year's resolutions have less than half a chance of actually being achieved. So why not make a different New Year's resolution for 2023? Try the following. You won't regret it.

Focus on how you feel, not how you look

New Year's resolutions should not be so directly related to diets and weight loss. If you want to develop a healthy relationship with your body, decide to love yourself and invest energy in your well-being. This will bring about a visible change that will also be reflected on the outside.

Exercise to feel good without being thin.

Instead of obsessing over the scale, focus on how great you feel since you became more active. The numbers on the scale are not the guide in life.

Photo: Unsplash/Andreas Dress

Give at least one compliment a day.

You never know - maybe your tribute will make that person feel a lot better.

Go a whole day without checking your email.

No one will die. Mail and messages can wait until tomorrow.

Do random acts of kindness

It costs you nothing to be kind. But kindness definitely pays off.

Read at least one book a month.

Reading is good for your brain as it reduces stress and improves your memory and concentration.

Photo: Unsplash/Kateryna Hilznitsova

Go somewhere you've never been before.

Step out of your comfort zone and do something daring. It will do your soul good and force you to discover new worlds.

Write down one thing you are grateful for each night.

End the day with gratitude and you'll drift off to sleep much easier and more satisfied.

Call a friend instead of texting them.

Don't forget the personal touch, which is often neglected in the age of technology.

Don't buy things you don't need

A bad habit. We like to spend money, even for no good reason. You don't need it? Then just don't buy it. Your wallet and planet will thank you.


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