
10+ photos that will make anyone who has ever been on a diet smile

Ah, whose nose are we pulling? Diets are for those with an iron will. Not only do they require a precise diet plan, they also require dedication, discipline and strength to resist all the sugary treats around us and stick to a healthy diet. And because we know how hard it can be, we've collected 10+ photos that all of you who've ever failed a diet will relate to.

Before summer, we try again and again, year after year. Until bikini figure, which we so desire, still has a long way to go and this is the moment when we realize that we are through the winter diligently gained kilos and at the same time, somewhere in between, we lost the willingness to do something about it. One fine day we decide to let's go on a diet and this (read: gallery photos) is what which we feel throughout the diet. Look at it fun photos, which perfectly sum up most dieters and which you will easily relate to anyone who has ever failed a diet will recognize it.

PS: If your diet is successful, congratulations! 🙂

READ MORE: The last photos of the greatest icons before we lost them

Gallery - 10+ photos that will make anyone who has ever failed a diet smile

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