
10 productivity apps you'll actually use

Do you have trouble concentrating on the work at hand? We have a great solution for you. With the help of some mobile applications, you will be able to complete your tasks in the shortest possible time.

Which smartphone apps will help increase productivity?


The Todoist task manager will make sure you never forget the things you need to do. Organize your life's tasks into three folders: 'inbox', 'today' and 'next seven days'.

The application is available for iOS and Android.


You can also create various notes and to-do lists in the Evernote application, which simultaneously allows you to transfer data to other devices and collaborate with other people.

The application is available for iOS and Android.


Are you afraid we're only going to talk about daily to-do list apps? Of course, this will not be the case. With Duet's help, you can transform your iPad into an auxiliary screen for your laptop.

The application is available for iOS.


Slack will ensure continuous communication between you and your colleagues. All important information will be displayed in the form of notifications.

The application is available for iOS and Android.


This app is perfect for bookworms. It offers users more than 2,000 non-business books in abbreviated form.

The application is available for iOS and Android.


Otter helps increase your productivity level by listening to lectures, interviews, speeches... It also allows users to save notes.

The application is available for iOS and Android.



Various tasks can be entered in the calendar through this application. Any.Do will then entrust you with what needs to be done every day.

The application is available for iOS and Android.


Have you heard of the Pomodoro technique? The system, which has a positive effect on your brain, is based on a combination of 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest.

The application is available for iOS and Android.


The application is suitable for those people who often forget the set goals. Fabulous will remind you when it's time to drink a glass of water or exercise.

The application is available for iOS and Android.



The Forest app helps you put your phone away for a while. If you manage to forget your device for a certain period of time, you will be able to plant a new tree in your digital forest.

The application is available for iOS and Android.

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