
10 reasons why many men don't want emotionally strong women around them

Photo: Envato

What is an emotionally strong woman like?

She is selfless, forgiving, despite the pain she has endured, she is self-sufficient, independent, loving and not afraid to show her vulnerability. He leaves a relationship that doesn't work out. Men cannot stand her intensity, frankness, vulnerability, they are not strong enough to understand such women.

What are the reasons men don't want emotionally strong women?

He asks direct questions

He does not tolerate superficial conversation. Already at the first meeting, she will ask various questions. Men are afraid of difficult questions and deep conversations. A strong woman dives into the depths of pain, trauma and life experiences. She wants a man who is honest and vulnerable. Men tend to avoid being vulnerable because it makes them feel weak. And she would admire him precisely because of his moments of weakness.

He knows what he wants and how to get it

If she likes a man, she will go after him. She won't wait for him to make the first move. For some men, this is frightening. But a strong woman doesn't need exploratory dating to understand what kind of man she wants, she just knows when she meets him.

He wants deep and sincere relationships

With a man who will open up to her, trust her, she wants to have long conversations about the past, fears, about everything that is happening in his life. He expects much more from the relationship than just fun.

He is not afraid of intimacy

A strong woman will challenge a man in the most intimate ways. Since she is comfortable with her femininity, she will expect him to be open to all aspects of intimacy. He demands passion and wants to feel that she is the only and real woman for him.

She quickly learns what a man is like

He quickly realizes what makes him vulnerable. He does not want to pretend and hide behind lies. A strong woman is sincere and expects complete trust in a relationship. He detects lies in an instant. She will never tolerate the feeling of concealment and selfishness. If you can't be with her completely, she will leave.

When she loves, she loves completely and wants her man to surrender her in the same way.
When she loves, she loves completely and wants her man to surrender her in the same way.

She can't stand indecisive men

He wants to know that the man he loves has integrity and respect, that he is a man of his word. If she senses that a man is playing, she will leave him without any problems. She wants to feel that she is loved, that she is a priority for a man.

It's intense

She realizes that she can be a bit aggressive at times because her thoughts and emotions are so strong. She is not indifferent to anything in her life, and not everyone is able to withstand her intensity. A strong woman has overcome extraordinary challenges and obstacles in her life. In other words, she's strong for a reason! She is willing to share her scars and expects men to do the same. There are no secrets in her world.

When he loves, he loves completely

If a man doesn't love her back or love her in a similar way, she leaves. He doesn't want superficial relationships. She knows when someone is only half surrendering to her, if she senses it, she pulls away. You are or you are not with her, there is no other option.

She won't wait

If a man hesitates, she will not wait for him. She is too passionate and strong to spend her feelings on someone who doesn't want her enough. If she can't achieve a special kind of love, she prefers to be alone. A strong woman will follow you to the depths of hell if she knows you are committed to her. However, when she feels you are pulling away, she will leave you. She won't wait for a man to decide whether he wants her or is still looking for someone better.

She is independent

She doesn't need a man to fight for her. If he has a problem, he deals with it. She doesn't sit and wait for a man to find a solution, she wants a man to be with her, not in front of her, not behind her. Some men can't stand it.

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