
10 Reasons Why My Husband Is My Best Friend

Photo: Nataliya Vaitkevich / Pexels

Most people are surprised when I say that my husband is my best friend, but it's the truth. He is by far the best friend I have ever had and I don't think any other person will ever be able to replace him.

Unfortunately, most married couples do not realize how important friendship is to marriage. Spouses should not only be romantic partners. If you want to have a successful marriage, you must also be each other's best friend.

You have to be honest with each other no matter what and you have to be 100% sure that you can trust each other. Trust and honesty are the most important foundations of true friendship.

The bottom line is that you can't have one without the other... You can't have a good and healthy marriage without true friendship.

List of the best reasons why my husband is my best friend.

1. He accepted me and fell in love with me for who I am

We spent a lot of time together when we were first dating, and I honestly believe we got to know each other on a very deep level before we even got married. I know myself best and I am fully aware that I am not perfect.

I love you, to the moon and back, and again... Photo: Victoria Volkova / Unsplash

I have flaws and some qualities that I am not proud of. And I was afraid that these qualities would affect our relationship and his opinion of me.

However, when he realized these things, he told me that he loved me and would love me no matter what. He accepted me with all my faults and decided to love me all my life in spite of them.

2. Honesty has been the most important part of our relationship since day one

As I said before, sincerity is the most important building block of true friendship. And our relationship was based on it from the very beginning.

I believe this is one of the reasons why our love story lasts.

I never lied to him and I never caught him lying to me. They trust each other completely. This is the reason why our connection is so strong and nothing and no one can separate us.

3. It is available to me whenever I need it

When I need advice, he is the person I always turn to. When I'm sad, he's always the one who comes to comfort me.

I can always count on his support in everything I do and that really means a lot to me. No matter where he is or what he is doing, he will always have time for me and my problems.

He is the best listener and I feel like he always knows the right words in any situation.

4. My well-being is always his priority

I have never met a person who cared about me so much. He is always interested in how I am doing, both physically and mentally.

If she knows I had a bad day at work, she always tries to make me feel better when I get home. If I'm too tired, he always takes care of the kids and tells me to rest.

He never forgets us. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

When I'm sick, he doesn't let me do housework, he cooks for me and does everything he can to help me feel better. In these situations, I can see how deep and strong his love for me is.

5. He is my biggest admirer

Whether I'm wearing sweatpants or pajamas, he always compliments me and tells me how beautiful I am.

Before I met him, I had self-esteem issues and he knew it. Thanks to him and all his kind words and compliments, I completely changed my self-image and now feel much more beautiful in my own skin.

6. He is my motivator

Without him, I wouldn't have done so many things in life and I certainly wouldn't be as successful as I am today. He always motivates me to make my dreams come true.

He never allows me to give up on something just because I hit obstacles along the way. He believes in me and my potential and does everything to make me believe in myself.

7. I know my secrets are safe with him no matter what

He is my confidant. I can share absolutely everything with him because he has never betrayed me or my secrets. My husband is the only person who knows about everything that is going on in my life and he is the person I trust completely.

But the important thing is that he earned that trust over the years and by keeping my secrets no matter what.

8. We have many similarities, but we also respect our differences

We really have a lot of similar interests and things we like to do. However, we also have so many differences and I think most people would think that these things make us incompatible.

Thank you for being! Photo: Mari Lazhava / Unspalsh

In reality, our differences only strengthened our relationship and deepened our bond. They make us realize how strong our love is and that we can overcome all obstacles, no matter how big or strong they are.

9. Our expectations are realistic

We never had unrealistic expectations of each other. We were always aware of our options and never even tried to live outside of them.

We have dreams and goals, but we also keep them realistic. We have somehow always managed our expectations and I know how much I can expect from him and vice versa.

10. We accept and respect each other's boundaries

We both have clear boundaries regarding time, family and personal space. And the most important thing is that we respect these boundaries from the very beginning.

We may not have liked some of these boundaries, but we accepted them because we knew how important they were to both of us. Such acceptance and respect is certainly the best proof of friendship and true love.

I really hope this love affair with my best friend lasts forever. I'm living a dream, a fairy tale, and I have the best, most handsome and most beautiful prince in the whole world.

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