
10 secrets of a long and successful relationship that no one tells you

10 secrets of a long and successful relationship that no one tells you

Do you know what you need to know before you start building a long-term partnership? Experienced experts say that you must follow the 10 secrets of a long and successful relationship that no one talks about.

10 secrets of a long and successful relationship that no one tells you:

1. We share our feelings.

Although sharing feelings right at the beginning of a relationship can only harm it, it is essential in a stable partnership. If we are not capable of this, we cannot grow. Sharing emotions, even negative ones, is a way to make plans, solve problems, and bond. When the communication between us is open and honest, we will be able to survive anything!

2. In a long-term relationship, we need to allow each other some privacy.

A couple who loves each other does not need to be together all the time, nor does it mean that the partners have to give up their interests or enjoying time alone. It is especially important to remember to give each other some privacy.

Let's share our feelings!
Let's share our feelings!

3. Let's distribute tasks equally.

Housework is a common cause of quarrels. And let's face it, most women do more housework than men without even realizing it, while men hold back. This is usually not intentional or malicious, but simply the result of unconscious forces at work. The problem is that the unequal division of labor leads to resentment. Our sex life can also suffer because of it. It's hard to feel sexy when we're cleaning up all the time.

4. Let's talk about money without a bad conscience.

Money is not a pleasant topic to talk about. But at some point you'll have to talk about how much you earn and if one earns less, then you'll probably agree that you don't have to split everything 50:50. The deeper you are in the relationship, the more your finances will affect the relationship. Maybe they want to build a house, have children, maybe they want to travel... It's important for them to know that they are at least roughly on the same page when it comes to money.

Let's share the tasks!
Let's share the tasks!

5. Let's find time to have fun together.

The longer we've been in a relationship, the more likely we've forgotten how to have fun. This is partly an inevitable consequence of developing a relationship. Being able to be bored together as well as having a party is part of creating a strong, long-lasting bond. Do not allow your relationship to become built only from nights at home and saving for the future.

6. Surprises

Relationships can quickly become predictable. A certain degree of predictability is good, but at a certain point we need surprises. Surprises don't have to be expensive when booking travel (but if it's in the budget, why not?). They can be small gestures that will brighten the other's day and move the relationship away from the 'everyday'.

Surprises are just as important in a long-term relationship.
Surprises are just as important in a long-term relationship.

7. Touches

Do we still remember those beginnings when we couldn't resist being touched? The fact that this is no longer the case today is partly inevitable - it is a natural progression of the relationship. But there is also the danger that less sex will turn into less cuddling and vice versa. Touching is a habit, and like anything else, we can lose it. There will always, of course, come a time when sexuality is not a priority. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't cuddle, kiss or hug each other.

8. Let's respect the difference of the partner.

People say opposites attract. And it is true that partners are often quite different. This is fine and healthy – but only up to a point. Sometimes these differences, which were so attractive in the beginning, can become an annoyance. So how do we bridge our differences? We must first accept ourselves, and then look for the positive qualities of these differences. For example, if your partner takes forever to tidy up, it may be because he is methodical.

Let's not forget about touches.
Let's not forget about touches.

9. Let's plan a common future.

Without plans, the relationship stagnates. If we don't have plans, we don't have a goal. And without a goal, we can quickly get bored. If we are very spontaneous at the beginning, it is right to set goals in a long-term relationship: will we travel, will we buy an apartment, will we have children? Planning together makes us feel like our relationship is moving in the right direction.

10. Let's talk!

If we can't talk, then we practically don't have a relationship. No matter how hard it is, let's talk - if we don't, we'll lose our connection. When the tougher conversations are on the agenda, let's remember to be kind. Let's start serious conversations when we are relaxed and calm. Let's be strict when it's necessary, don't argue if it's not. And most importantly: let's respect our interlocutor!

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