
10 signs that clearly indicate whether your love has a future

Photo: Envato

Watch out for these 10 signs that your relationship is superficial! What is your emotional connection? Is this your safe haven, a place where you feel beautiful, protected, loved? Or is it just something that looks like a relationship but doesn't really fulfill you?

Just because you are in a love relationship with someone does not mean that your love is sincere and true and will be able to overcome all temptations and difficulties.

In a quality relationship, the signs listed below do not appear, because it is governed by values, among them trust and respect!

Read on for the 10 first signs that your relationship is superficial and has no future.

1. Lack of communication

Superficial relationships lack emotional intimacy, which is probably the most important indicator that your relationship with the other person is shallow. If you don't talk about your feelings, look to someone else for support, and aren't there for each other when one or the other is going through a tough time, then your relationship has no future.


2. Don't worry about your partner's needs

If you don't care if your partner feels good and are only together because of family or social norms, then you don't have a deep enough relationship to build the foundation of trust and support that is necessary for something long-term.

3. Don't talk about the future

If you don't plan your life, you don't expect to be together long enough to be worth planning, that's not it. Do you even know what your partner wants in life? Such a relationship is not a committed partnership and will not last.


4. Out of sight, out of mind

True love and friendship in a relationship are indicators of whether you have a future or not. Do you think about the person with whom you are emotionally connected, what they do when you are apart? If you don't take a second to think about her when you're not together, this is one of the most obvious signs of a shallow relationship.

5. Lack of common values

If your conversations are focused only on general topics and you do not know what this person values, what is his system of values, beliefs, aspirations, what he is afraid of, this is not a sign that love will last.

6. Trivial arguments

There must be give and take in any successful relationship. Relationships where you're constantly fighting over stupid or immature topics means you're not trying too hard and that's not what a good relationship is all about.


7. Lies and deceptions

If you love someone and appreciate their presence in your life, you won't lie to them or cheat on them. The basis of a healthy relationship is honesty.

8. It's all about sex

There's nothing wrong with having sex between two partners—it's a healthy way to satisfy your libido, but don't think that a relationship based solely on sex is forever. Intimacy is much more than sex.


9. You are together because of each other

If you are with someone only because of the expectations of society, the environment, social networks, it is definitely not a relationship that can survive in the long run.

10. Think of other people

If you fantasize about or long for someone else while you are in a relationship, it means that you are not happy in your current relationship.

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