
10 signs that you are a person who loves you

Are you that kind of person?

Photo: Logan Isbell/Unsplash

In order to love another, you must first love yourself. Although this love should be as natural as breathing, many people struggle to accept themselves, their shortcomings, as well as their achievements. Are you happy?

What is your definition of happiness? You can look in the mirror in the morning and say to yourself: "I am happy! " ? If the answer is yes, then you have already found the greatest love of your life - yourself!

We have written down 10 signs that indicate that you have managed to complete and master this difficult task and have learned to love yourself.

1. Take care of yourself

Whether it's physical or emotional needs, people who love each other fulfill them completely. They eat a balanced diet for their health, not for the numbers on the scale. They regularly engage in physical activity, exercise releases endorphins - the hormone of happiness, and they want to be happy. They know how important preventive visits to the doctor are, but also that sometimes they have to reach for chocolate or buy new shoes to feed their souls.

2. Surround yourself with positive people

You have removed toxic people from your life and surrounded yourself only with those people who care about you. To those who support you and wish you success in life. You are only interested in those relationships from which you can learn valuable lessons and which go in a positive direction.

Enjoy yourself. Life is Beautiful! Photo: Roberto Nickson/Unsplash

3. Don't compare yourself to others

Comparing yourself to others is no longer part of your daily routine. People who love themselves can enjoy someone else's success, but also realize that it has nothing to do with them. Each of us is on our own journey of discovery and it is important to focus on our goals and not waste time comparing ourselves to others.

4. Make your wishes and goals clear

Clearly expressing your desires and goals is an important part of the process of self-acceptance. People who love themselves are not ashamed of their desires, nor of the things they don't want in life. Their opinion is important and they don't care what others think of them.

5. You are living your dreams

Not only will you not be afraid to express what you want in life, but you will also achieve your goals with full steam ahead. You are motivated because these goals are important to you and because they make you happy. You believe in yourself that you can make all your dreams come true.

6. You replaced negative thoughts with positive affirmations

When you were young, you may have looked in the mirror and only seen things in your reflection that you labeled as flaws - from freckles on your nose, through the "wrong" color of your eyes to too thin lips. Today, you no longer "hear" these negative voices and have replaced them with positive statements.

7. Don't be afraid of loneliness

You feel comfortable in your company. You don't need others to feel fulfilled. Besides, sometimes you need solitude to "recharge" your batteries. Instead of feeling guilty about it, you've accepted your needs and enjoy your little solo rituals.

8. You are grateful for everything you have

Gratitude is an important part of the life of people who love themselves. They know that no one owes them anything. They are grateful with what they have. They are grateful for small things - a new day, a roof over their head, food in the fridge, friends, family...

9. You are not jealous of others

Don't be jealous of others and their success. In addition, you are happy to share the happiness of others. The success of others does not threaten your position in society.

10. You are open to new experiences

People who love each other are open to new experiences, meeting new people and mastering new skills. They spread positive emotions because such behavior makes them happy, but also because they believe that positive things will come back to them.

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