
10 signs you're in a relationship with a strong woman

"A head in the right place and a good heart are always a powerful combination." - Nelson Mandela

She is a woman who knows what she wants. Someone who supports and loves you when the sun shines and the hail falls.

Is that really the woman next to you? Check.

1. He has a life without you

She knows who she is and what's important to her, and she doesn't forget that just because she's in a relationship. Of course you mean the world to her and she shows it with every bit of her heart. But he also knows who he is without you. He doesn't get lost in your relationship. She's not afraid to do things on her own and understands that if they're a couple, that doesn't mean they're one person. Everyone has their own identity and never forgets it.

2. He doesn't hide his feelings

She will tell you when something is wrong. She won't pretend it's okay when it's not. She knows her feelings aren't wrong, they're just hers. And he knows they are sometimes, maybe illogical, but he doesn't feel uncomfortable about it. She doesn't tell you her feelings to apologize for them. She tells you because communication is the only way she can get them out of her. That he can trust you. He tells you them so that your relationship remains intact, so that it is not blown up by accumulated feelings and emotions.

3. She doesn't care who you follow on social media

No matter who you follow on social media, she doesn't care because none of those things are true when it comes to your relationship. She is connected to you in real life and to her that is the only connection that matters and she wants to nurture it. He knows that the connection they have is more important than any social media account.

4. He tells you the truth

Even if it hurts. She will not lie to you to save herself or you. He knows that honesty builds trust. A strong woman will not lie to destroy your relationship.

5. He trusts you

She believes that if she doesn't lie to you, you will respect her and you won't lie to her either. She trusts you because she is sure of your relationship and your commitment. He doesn't wonder who you're texting or why you left later than you said you would. He trusts that you're not doing anything you shouldn't, and he trusts that you never will. Your relationship with you is more important than any problem.

6. Take care of yourself

Don't forget how you feel, both physically and mentally, just because you're in a relationship. He knows what he still needs to work on and isn't afraid to put effort into it.

7. He is not afraid to ask for help when he needs it

She is independent and strong, but she is only human. She can't do everything by herself and she's not ashamed of it. When she needs someone, she leans on those she loves. She knows that these are the people who will support her through everything, no matter what troubles her. She is not embarrassed to ask for your help.

8. She admits when she did something wrong

He occasionally makes mistakes and admits them. She will not lie or hide behind lies. She will admit that what she did was wrong and will do everything in her power to make sure it doesn't happen again. She will make sure that what she did wrong will make your relationship even stronger.

9. He doesn't walk away when things get complicated

All relationships have their problems, but she's not looking for the quickest way out. Life happens, no one has control over everything. But it is her love for you that remains.

10. She makes you feel loved

You never have to wonder if she loves you or not. A strong woman gives you full love because she can't give anything less.

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