
10 steps to get your dream job in 2015 #job

We are only a few weeks away from the end of this year and 2015 is already around the corner. December is often the time when we look back on all the interesting events and experiences we had throughout the year. But it is also the time when we start thinking about our resolutions, which we will at least try to fulfill in the coming year. So why shouldn't this also be the right time to start thinking about our dream job, which we have longed for for years and set goals that can make our dreams come true.

Make 2015 the year you find your dream job. With our 10 steps, you will immediately be on the right path to achieve your desired career. Don't let your dreams stay just dreams.

1. Be honest.

No matter how simple it sounds, first think carefully about what kind of job you would really like, a job where you will feel rewarded and recognized for your work despite many challenges. In short, a job to which you will happily return every Monday.

2. Think with an open head.

Don't be limited by past experience, use all your strengths and skills you know you excel at.

3. Do your research.

Talk to people and also search online if you feel that something is missing from your CV. Spend some time brainstorming these ideas.

4. Invest.

When you find out what you can do about yourself to become more attractive candidates for your dream job, start investing in it. Take some very practical class or course that might come in handy.

5. Assess the opportunities before you.

Also take a sober look at your current job, if you have one. Could you change something for the better? Need more support? Ask for her. More recognition? Tell this to your manager. Help people help improve your life.

Start looking for better opportunities.
Start looking for better career opportunities.

6. Update your CV, your Linkedin and all other social networks.

Make sure they reflect all your latest knowledge, achievements and competencies, as well as your passion for the desired field and role.

7. Write a draft cover letter.

It's always easier to add something when you already have your draft. So get to work drafting a cover letter for your dream job. As your paths begin to open up, you'll be glad you don't have to start from scratch. This will also help you act more quickly or to do something.

8. Build your network.

If you already have a specific company in mind where you would like to work, start asking for referrals. Think if you might know someone who already works in your dream company and get in touch with them. It is good that you are prepared if there is no open position for you in the company right now.

9. Prepare, prepare and prepare again.

When you get to your informational meeting, be ready to give it your all. Research and study the company. Have ready-made examples and experiences that you can talk about. Think carefully about what this company might need and what you can do to help them. If it's your dream job, make sure your passion shines through. Of course, think very carefully about what to express and what not to express in your first interview.

10. Stay hungry for work.

Any job may seem "old" to you at some point, even your dream job. Rethink and examine your goals and focus on what makes you feel complete. Collaborate with your colleagues to make your dreams come true every day.

Don't be afraid to reach your goals!
Don't be afraid to reach your goals!

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