
10 stereotypes about women: Is it finally time for movies to stop portraying us this way?

Photo: imdb

Movies can be full of stereotypes and unrealistic representations of women, because they show beauty and mental representations that are not true for women. While some stereotypes may be justified in men's eyes, others are completely untrue. Let's take a look at some typical stereotypes that we no longer want on the movie screens and it's finally time to clear them up.

1. To make an unattractive woman beautiful, it is enough to take off her glasses

In movies, men usually don't fall in love with messy people until they take off their glasses, fix their hair and dress in the latest fashion. The Ugly Betty series and movies like The Princess Diaries are exactly what we disagree with.


2. They wake up in the morning with perfect makeup

Almost every woman in the film wakes up with a fresh and beautiful face. Looking at her, it is almost impossible to think that she was even asleep. In reality, women wake up in the morning with no make-up on and they don't?

3. Every woman can afford an expensive apartment

In the movies, every woman can afford a beautiful apartment in one of the most expensive cities in the world, regardless of whether she works as a journalist or just owns a small flower shop.


4. All women overdo it with marriage

All women are hysterical about their marriage. Is there a bride in the movie who isn't a total “bridezilla”? Every woman dreams of getting married since childhood and has a notebook in which she carefully planned every detail of her wedding at the age of 10. The stereotype that all women dream of their wedding and wedding dress from a young age and dream of a prince on a white horse is far from true.


5. Women don't wear coats

In all romantic comedies, women don't wear their coats even though it's cold outside. All the men in the movies give her their jacket and wrap it around her. It is an extremely romantic gesture, but we know that in reality women prepare very well for different weather conditions.

6. Career women usually work in the fashion industry

The women in the movies are usually employed in the biggest fashion houses, or are lawyers, successful writers and journalists. Just remember the films Devil in Prada, Sex in the City or Blonde from Harvard.


7. A woman is always well-groomed

A woman is always neat, flawless and perfect, even if she is in prison or in the middle of the apocalypse. Just remember the Hunger Games movies, in which the main character is flawless even though she is fighting for her life.


8. Women climax quickly

Women always climax during sex. In reality, however, we know that nothing happens quickly, and that not every woman experiences climax.

9. Women are always on a diet

Women always order the salad. Unlike those who are on diets all their lives, most of the fairer sex actually enjoy food, like to try new things and don't spend their days counting calories.

10. Women can easily weigh themselves in high heels

Although there are women who are comfortable wearing high heels, there are also those who don't. When you watch movies, you think that a woman wears high heels all day and does most of her work in ten-centimeter heels - even police shoes where she has to run after bad guys.


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