
10 stories about strange kisses

Who among us can resist beautiful and passionate kisses? We spend about two weeks kissing in our entire life. That's exactly 336 hours of lip syncing. Kisses can shake the ground under our feet, but they can also be downright uncomfortable. Here are 10 amazing kiss stories.

1. The girl who died after her first kiss with her friend

Jemma Benjamin
Jemma Benjamin

Jemma Benjamin was a shy 18-year-old student. She hoped to travel the world, teach English and sports. In April 2009, tragedy struck. Jemma finally had her first kiss with her 21-year-old boyfriend Daniel. Her eyelids suddenly drooped, her mouth foamed, and the girl collapsed. They could not revive Jemma, and an autopsy found no medical cause for her death. She is said to have died due to disturbances in the rhythm of the heart, which can only be detected during life.
A tragic end that should have been a new beginning.

2. The longest kiss on the screen

The longest kiss on the screen.
The longest kiss on the screen.

Until recently they were Jane Wyman and Regis Toomey credited with the longest on-screen kiss in You're In The Army Now (1941). Wyman and Toomey kissed for three minutes and five seconds, which is one twenty-fifth of the entire movie. In 2010, director Nicole Conn decided to break the record. Conn wrote and directed Elena Undone, which tells the story of a lesbian writer who falls in love with a pastor's wife. Two women are kissing three minutes and twenty-three seconds.

3. Ridiculous laws that talk about kissing

No one knows how they were able to pass sometimes such absurd laws. In Indiana, USA, it is illegal for men to have mustaches, to kiss people. In Logan County, Colorado, USA, it is illegal for a husband to kiss his sleeping wife. In Hartford, Connecticut, USA, it is forbidden to kiss your wife on Sunday.

4. The longest kiss on record

Longest kiss on record - Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranafat.
Longest kiss on record – Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranafat.

Many people have already tried to get the record for the longest kiss, but no one has yet managed to beat it Ekkachai and Laksano Tiranafat. They just kissed 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds. The pair joined eight other couples at the Believe it or Not event in Thailand. For their efforts, they took home prize money, two diamond rings and a Guinness World Record.

5. A bird that kisses and then vomits as a sign of affection

A white-fronted parrot that vomits as a sign of affection.
A white-fronted parrot that vomits as a sign of affection.

The white-fronted parrot is a beautiful species of bird with bright red rings around its eyes. After choosing a suitable partner, these parrots are one of the few species of animals that engage in the act of kissing. Not only do they join the beaks, but they do they play with each other's tongue. If the chemistry is right, males they vomit into the female's mouth as a sign of intimacy. Don't worry, it could be worse. Female giraffes choose their mate by urinating into the male's mouth. Wonderful.

READ MORE: Illustrations by James Chapman: What do kiss and other things sound like in different languages?

6. Disney moviegoers who got sick after kissing a frog

Disney's animated film sent 50 viewers to the hospital.
Disney's animated film sent 50 viewers to the hospital.

In the original version of the Brothers Grimm classic The Frog Prince, the princess does not kiss the frog. Instead, he throws the frog into a wall and it turns him into a handsome prince. Later, the English translator Edgar Taylor made the princess more romantic and decided to break the spell with a kiss from a frog. Since then, the frog who turns into a prince has been charming children again and again. In 2010, Disney released a feature-length animated film The Princess and the Frog. Unfortunately, he appeared salmonella outbreak in young children who have seen the film. More than fifty children were taken to hospital shortly after the film premiered.

7. The gun in the lipstick, known as the “kiss of death”

"Kiss of Death".
"Kiss of Death".

The term "kiss of death" has several meanings. We could talk about the betrayal of Jesus, who was framed by Judas, about the mafia signal that means someone is marked for death, or about the gun in the lipstick, which during the Cold War used by the KGB. This 4.5mm pistol only had one shot, hidden inside a lipstick that easily slipped into a purse. One of the guns is available for viewing next to the Aston Martin, the car of James Bond v International Spy Museum in Washington, DC.

8. The man who kissed the cobra

A cobra in a trance.
A cobra in a trance.

Some people are lucky enough to know how to handle snakes. In Burma there is a ritual where the woman kisses the cobra's head three times, to serve the god of fertility. In Kentucky, USA, Jamie Coots, who appeared on National Geographic's Snake Salvation, died from a rattlesnake sting. The pastor believed that the snake bite would not harm him, because according to the Gospel according to Mark, he is anointed with the power of God. A 22-year-old boy who works at the Krabi Snake Farm in Thailand can talk about a real blessing. His staring at a king cobra puts the snake into a trance. Knowing that the snake is completely under his control, he kisses it.

9. The iconic TV kiss

The iconic interracial kiss.
The iconic interracial kiss.

One of the groundbreaking television kisses happened in Star Trek. Captain Kirk (William Shatner) and Lieutenant Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) exchanged firsts interracial kiss, which was shown on television. Originally, Spock was to be kissed by the lieutenant, but Shatner reportedly requested that he kiss the lieutenant, according to the Vancouver Sun.

10. Some facts about kissing that you probably don't know

  • The wedding day kiss has its roots in ancient Rome.
  • The term "French kiss" first meant an insult.
  • Public kissing is in Indonesia criminal.
  • Women are in the Victorian era hid little things in their mouths, in order to avoid unwanted kissing.
  • Spend with kissing two calories per minute.

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