
10+ surprising signs that you are very, very in love

You will be able to know without a doubt that Cupid's arrow has hit you by the signs of falling in love, which we list below!

When we fall in love, we look at the world with rose-colored glasses, everything seems more beautiful, simpler, everything takes on a new meaning... Scientists have discovered that the moment we fall in love, it activates in our brain 12 areas, and love can be expressed in different ways: while to some it means feeling of peace and tranquility, it seems to others charged with passion. By the signs of falling in love, which we list below, you will be able to know without a doubt when Cupid's arrow has hit you.

He/she seems special to you

When we are in love, we find our partner unique. At the same time, we feel that we will not feel such passion for anyone else in our life. The cause of such feelings is an increased concentration of dopamine (a chemical substance that partly affects concentration) in our brain.

He/she seems perfect to you

Love is blind, we hear many times. And there is a lot of truth in this saying. When in love, people often glorify their partner's positive sides and "don't see" their faults. In addition, they dwell on insignificant details that remind them of a loved one and daydream about beautiful past events. Dopamine plays a key role in this.

He/she seems perfect to you.
He/she seems perfect to you.

Life has become chaotic

When we are in love, we often feel physically and mentally unstable. Joy, excitement, excess energy, insomnia, loss of running, trembling, accelerated heart rate and faster breathing... These are all part of falling in love. All this leads some people to feelings of stress, panic or despair. The same mood swings occur in drug addicts, so we can say that falling in love is actually a form of addiction.

Obsession with her/him

When we're in love, we spend up to 85 percent of our waking hours thinking about our better half. Compulsive thoughts, as we call this form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, are the result of reduced levels of serotonin.

You are obsessed with him/her!
You are obsessed with him/her!

"If only we could be together all the time!"

Lovers are characterized by emotional dependence, which includes possessiveness, jealousy, fear of rejection and anxiety as a result of separation from the loved one.

"I want to stay with you forever!"

Lovers always find an excuse to be together and dream of a future together.

"I want to stay with you forever!"
"I want to stay with you forever!"

"I'll give you everything"

Even if they do not otherwise have highly developed compassion, lovers often feel for each other; they perceive the happiness, wishes or pain of a loved one as their own and are ready to sacrifice everything for their partner.

"Does it suit him/her?"

When we fall in love, we are ready to change our priorities, habits, style of dressing. We are ready to do many things just to catch up with our partner as much as possible.

"Does it suit him/her?"
"Does it suit him/her?"

Sexuality isn't everything

When we are in love, sexual pleasure is important, but even more important is the emotional connection between the two partners. According to one study, 64 percent of surveyed lovers disagreed with the statement: "Sex is the most important part of my relationship."

"I can't control myself"

When we're in love, we feel that we can't handle the outbursts of passion, and we often admit it.

"I can't control myself."
"I can't control myself."

When we are with a loved one, we are not afraid to take risks

Risky actions that partners undertake side by side strengthen their bond. When they take risks together, love makes them feel safer and happier.

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